Nuhou, Volume I, Number 26, 28 ʻApelila 1874 — Their Majesties. [ARTICLE]
Their Majesties.
T»o Kiiig aud*Queen retumed »SaurJ-j\ afti;rnooii from*their tour Pfogr-A around this il;ar;d. The Royal Purt) a'.. dressed like vaf|ueros aiid vivandieres* au j htunberiiig about thre himsred equestr!a:īforrned au imposijig eavalcade, una iuadt. j ;> spjrited display on enteriifg the city. hlMajesty,like the rest of the|Party, saup]y dressed like Ihe Hero of Italy, in the rei camīsola and the blue eu!ottes of libert\*. Aad along with the young, Brince 5 aiid ille Princess Kamakaetef and, likeiike, wkl: their liusbands, 43yps £x, Oovf Oomini-, aii j Hoii. Miu Cleg'horn, we saw gentlemeri of the Eenieia, Messr.s. Whiting, G jochvin t Pitkiii, | and Jones, Acting Govern&jgylloehonua, the ;French Chancellor Pernet s |Coi^^J. , Bōyd, Hon. J. A, Cummins,-and many othfc: } x>fQcials and rsjl made a I gallant show as they re{urnecl*to Mun* jPaiaee, ; f The edueafion of n naiīon ns of a ! shonld correspond somewhdt with, the phy-ic-'al condition. Now we jja?d for the iast 4 hiennial-period 597,660 fot Public lns:rucj tion in schools, and not a !dollar for any ei- ! ucation in the fields, and sjill this monev ■ spent on a feeb!e decayirig race» that neei ; more to be quickened by outdoor labors tha:r !by iīidoor elallianee over !books. And the ; cramming of books \vithout| physical trahniu and domestic nurfure ljas jproduced no g:o ■ !fruit \vhatever. When \ve! luok at the hon;est ptoddisg o!d naii\e, and then contrast ; him \vith the invariable ) r oung rogues of tlil; "race, who are educated, ive <ay cut do\vu your puhlie school instrucition, cut it dow-.. at !east one-ha!f, and the other half i. 'provoking tiiese people to work, ōr in peopie that will. | * Very often when a man h going io br-;ik : he makes a big ?plurge, in !a showy turnout ; 'and a fancy get up of offices; and so :: j\vould seem, fhat our governmenf fetlīng |shakv\vants to make a deceptive flicker o' *vita!ity by moving ?nto i' s grandiose» l\uu 'up any one cha.nber of whieh •sufficient for tUe real official vvork of the |country. How ean Ministers» not \ on harvl to do, the wliole of them thatt ! an ordinnry mēTchāitf> ! m countenancc, tSpse stateU j lf aee, ■ aiv. 4 in the corrier * l * ~ ■ ' i i &
| His Majes(y i$ justlj piiiilei|as their w Editot King m HW* Majest\ editod Iu( llok« o K\ , or The Star of the Paoihe» iu ISK i at- ! $uW;quently /u? 3fana<:\ 0) l'ho T. ue* ; jthat King Keilakaua i- aj>- ; prvntiveship as i- 1 J': :• • - ! As the now Governm&Sf Bufkli t i? uUo employed for puWie otfiee|?* —rt \nfflit, ;\< u ;t$ big enougL to o«ibro|eo everythuig;— ,Mi»isterial Ortioe,<» Law Couns» Legis!-aiure. i Hwivau of PuhHe lnstruc|tion» (Uneuimoui Press, Naeioual Museum aiui tho li W.u i Departineut; A loan and immigTutioi| in the of a free umkeu aro onr tsv<i p\nacoa>. • Koe - procUy woukl brinj us;hoth eapila' an j t lahor; und vi<e \or>a, (nir pnrsvv:: of aiui tahor iu oue qu.utor vy :vr#vy** v ! j .u ther,—roo;ptxvity\ j | j