Nuhou, Volume I, Number 26, 28 April 1874 — WE CLOSE [ARTICLE]

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;ul. i^u* 1 °i 4, l -- lOf" Maw a.ī', ant* l VP»U ,# W * * 1 • ' iL " ' beginning; wi ; ii ti 1« il * , . fulfilled our ■ C jtr<u;» j viv' i c 1 ; woik; and ■ uaethc« w .a- >' i' ill, itisfor[ 'ther j«td:, = 4 u-J-> butj ihis wi cii . -• : ■ :• • - - t; at ■ ? have car- ■ riud sr - > O - t ief "j>urposfc as.a | *ournal\ < , .- '..i a:i tu^f; + tesn"ian-likej «tneastir« b\ <viiu ? r was pro- . jtosvd ie ■ .;>o , ? Fo\^e• , io jrant us an ; oppoiiu,* h\ lier i . U ■- \ geograpli-; :caJ and rel Voj «! - 1 : prompt lieri to eonee U : i act - thougli ; working -U'l: ul s■'5■'- upital and ] 0 ' ; :e coui;t/y ? \ve aroused populai* | sentiment so as to eaiise the \vitiidra\vat of } of the obnoxious measure, / ♦ j We have also takea a part in a Koj"al j Successio)]. In days of doubt s wlien others, j who had a voice to reaeh (iie public ear, | siood aloof, we did not waii for the endorse- j mein of any other bui proelaimed j clearly our ehoiee,—andby thc of; our utterance tong in adaii',ce of a!I otliers, | we gave voice and direction io the currentof; puhiie opiuion, such as could be reached by j ■in intelligent press, and we witnessed ''the | !riumphant accession of our Choice. If a\ •miscliievous spirit arose at;t!ie. time, it : entircly independent of any joui;nalistic in-1 ilueneebut it happened that owing to the | abundant {acilities of thepr.e,s : s, and favored ' by the opportunity a. weak governtnent ■ afforded, some silly and yet flagrau'tly ineendinry arTonymous publicatious*"arbused the passions of a rabble, and culiuinated in the outrages ol a uative tnoh again-t uative&. Tiiere did not appear lher., tior has there beeu slīowu at any time, oa the part of the native people of this couutry, any antagouisiu to the fbreigner; and the lying insinuofioa that has been utterēd from time to t u)Q thāt this jounial kad fomented any ueli spirjt, is without a particle of ,foundation. \\\ ich ornmeuded to Hawaiiaris to beware ol certain fbreign speculative, and to send only their own people to represe)it them in parliament, in order to ,npos>e these influences, aud they heededour ■ \ ords. : : v ; īn view of the lawless influences whieh had attempted to oppose the accession of the duly Flected Sovereigri 1 we ina.mediately adviscd the organization of au eAleieni, eeoiiomieal force, of whieh tlie government seenred to be bntireiy rieficicntand acting ourselves upon our own suggestion, we, by ' assiduous effort and careful selectton, suc-! ceeded in enrolling and organizinga Spccial! ■ Poliee i! ° w < ihe ;h o overnment 1 ■ "e of oī®r . naratively * k> ihe . J r / '"V tlic {aitLi;jLgJi; ate*J m%Jsure tbat ■ e 1u! * f: ° f u> the aavf»'Uv, •on( of. , .QatoriaiYjtq^k / t}i.i» biiv« -■ * * **( ' •■ 1 _ ;■'> i 'j x *m »r ;n.i V:t>. •nieh .;d Uo :i r>" 'i»»---Ijojv !«'.l >opK •' populuti<jfJf We !U:\ t ■iO0g! • f* mis' , to stiujul.HC the i'.*bor ! raiv , \Vc ha : ! :l .'hem |... ■ •' ror* i.<"\;eiU-ic\.. \yo Ikwo not ho% v ated, liuiin'/ i',', or to • to'Ki»g' .iīui Pooplo. U ehavfv#)t f un , c . ] foi a.:\ fa\o" ! uor fe«rcl ri»y m/, • ! id noti • u#ej o'.f p:--.'; u l v r ei V^^ r ej-|

, .... y udice or If we have. as%a!;sj| a nv iudividaal with any personality, ir has Leelr dotie } it\ order to re».»el & prior assaiVlt And we have never in oUr ' of pub!ic men exceeded the privilegef)f eensure indialged in- by the governiT)ēnta! opposition of or A*inericn, We camiot hjiy all \ve wouid, or ajl we oug'ht. wtthin our narrow !iinit<. iay down onr editoria! pen, fbr a tirr.^ regret Our work has beeji pleaaht. in spite of r its accorapanying load ofJosses, and sordid, cowardly, \i\geuerous opf)obition. But if we have discovered our labors many base and f}unky so-uls, we ha\e «Uso found out some wortby and gendrous ones, An t d take it altoo-ether f wc s fcel that our work has bee,n a gafn, and that|its fVnit is not yet all gathered. We coul(! haVe run a carriage, as prudenrfriends' advised. witti the meanssunk on our joiirnal: but we cSiose to ruu the Nl:hou ? and ,p|od on our way on foot ; *and perhaps it rnaA r be, that the pages of this journa! shali yei£peak m our behalf, wiien the chariot and |teeds we migh|t have paraded,are mouldere<i jn the dust. ■ " ' ?

;Ocr j\\vno.vAL Palaoe, comtnonl\ cai!ed thc Government Building, is a moiiun§nt to bc protul of, — but jt sadly d\varfs. thi> ( poor coiintiy.: ; However,'it \vas eommenoee jvhea tlie counti'y_ was far more liopelul, by order of! a "King. who had his \vay iji all things. ajud who ilesired an aivhiteetu:s ornamenl |o the city. As an edifiee, it āflects great !iojio.r on the chief projector proniotei', E|r. F. \V. Hutchison, and onfys ar,ch'iteet and chief \vorker, Mr. Leis;l|niiin. I But \ve sorry that the Doctor's plai of a | fifth ope|i eoluuin observatory story I the | tui're(, of an illuniinated eloek \vj|e not jcarried out. The latter improvemein,y,'liicli involvpd a very slight |COst, \vould have heen a desirable advyi(agc Ito thc to\\n. Ho\ve\er, as it is, tlie billding a palaee. and suited to tiie conditiois of a |COuntry that coutaius a million of prosjjerous [people, jto whieh condition \ve hopa this jcouutrv may,—atid \ve believe it »vill ${tain. | I" vie\v of the present reduced eieumI stances of (.he country, \ve \vould, navc stucli to tlie old shebangs, uiuil \ve htjd wou something for the good of the laud, auū ihe people had said,—•' (io \vise and worthj leaders and talve po--acssion of the Xaiiona' Palaee. But a big plaee may niake poople- It will make some fee! so, anyho\v.

We wil! resume our Pon aftor a rcbt. tO r ' .. a niere n%zev * * sa!-->ies, bi K a | k ni* oflkes, to ih.- ~1.1,1 -*yovi ! ininw" ' lj,-iency. 1 needcJ for %un intjßT-1 *h-n;: ;W • ; o« aijf f»sHtr. cSān 4 Jrca t ,ivOr. 1 A 1.0; uity >!> c!i*.lilre»>. A !ikii; !'i>. M n»pro»nion;-. «<• <».tv ?> L' ;!an* jRh iho s>uvtt> to gi.«! wqthoqffffous k>x fc:iv. • the frv»e laaik :o v\-ie\v 01 o*.r <\":'a?iuc and *trds: • wiUi A icrrci«, \re nro ont*tPsf. J«jj^ i\ .-\!ents liave suky the late Cour( House T)ot;Uw • $2.000 uowIlo! ;u' > u , i!ij for ;>riuHr- Jefeusc, J