Nuhou, Volume I, Number 25, 21 April 1874 — Their Majesties [ARTICLE]
Their Majesties
"llie King and Queen and leū to\vu early «,--nerday morning, io make a Koya! Progresr-C *V V«i. The floyal Party is expected to be al>sent about four days. We are p!eased to notice the appoiauuem 6f Major W. L. Moehonua as !Koyal Chaiuberiain of the Palaee. There Is not yi theio islands, of any niee, a more thoroug!i gentlenian, aud one better fitted to serve Hii Maje?ty iu this ofllce, thau the g-aUant Majdr. | ētib atvm.—A line lias Wen, emutcd fro:u a portlon of tli?s is?ue. Frojn j>age scveu. eolumn one, last paragraph, aftcr eleveuth liue, should L>e inserted, •• assetnbled to meei Iheu ilajesties. Xhe, tScc. j