Nuhou, Volume I, Number 23, 7 April 1874 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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By the arriva] of the schootier F('yht-j 20 days from San we have seven days Uter Foreign New;s. Senator Charles Sumner s and Ex-President Fillmore aye both dead. The lonāon Thnes eulogizes the*memory of Sum*er. The Ashantee war is ended, The Rmg df Ashantee has paid to Sir Woolsley, one (liousand ounces of gold as the first installmen( of an indemnity. The Demo<iratic Parly has gained a victory in New Hampshire, as the result of recent elections; they have gained a majority in the N. H. Legislature. Alarmists have beem trying to get up a £care, hut w r e doirt think have any foinidation to go upon. However it answers very well to talk about a possiblp row, so as to allord an excuse for military poppy-cock]to get up a little panule of fī forces ] f and make us all feel how mueli we owe our safetv to the ruling genins of paper epaiilettes, *\Vc beliove in a qniet look-out } to p|revent a row at any time ; but don"t be)ieve in any militarv poppy-cock, | Don't make a $p]urge and prbvoke a row% whieh you cannot qui£t, and then have- to eall agam on a foreign force to do pollee duty for you. We don*t be!ieve tha(ships of wav are authorized to do any such work in fore!gn ports, and we think that an JnttfHigent eommander who nndorstands h?s duty and responsibilities to Im own Governbent I!! tel! you $o, iK>twlthstanding tl\e ivnstake> of others in this respeet. 1 I | We miv sometimes in a nr\rra?nv, or det i i * scriptionj intended partly for jvcrnsa! a!>rvxu! t speak of His Majesty King Kalakaua, in order to indicate more distinctive!y the Personage but we wouhl invarit|My addres>, or speak ol Ihe SovereUjn i|i an official manner, llis Majesty the There «nother IVrsonage in this conntry, not of thf Roynl Famih\ entitled to Ko addres?ed Ma]esty and vibo i$ knowii ef c ic ? a I, y ller Majesty the Qaeen bnt :| perfectly proper to <iesignate as T?er Majesty Queeu Kmma Kaleleooalani Our ** ran m&ie v»cth em, We hope the 4 4 Ime beīte? [ wmther, the nest Uiwe