Nuhou, Volume I, Number 23, 7 April 1874 — HON. WILLIAM HOAPILI KAAUWAI [ARTICLE]

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Was our frieiici, and we sincerely deplove his death. He wp, when we iirst met him iu' 1861, a young chief of great promise; and ; when he went to England witli his wife, to ] Her Majesty, Queen Emma, he | was regarded ;jibroad as a nohle specimen ofi his race. Her Majesty the Queen of Eng-! land, honored |iim by inviting him to deliver ] a discourse in the RoyalChapel of Windsow! before the Co|irt assembled at the Cas(le ;: and he was subsequen(ly honored by an in- j vitation to dine wiih lier Majesty, Qur.en Victoria and noble company. But< perhaps the trip to Europe was disastrous in! its results to Hoapili. He who went away| such a lovinghusband, eame back jea!ousand ! discontonted, flnd unhappy till the day of his ! death. He sajled from London to New Zea- ■ land, and a friendship with Tamare I the kingly of the Alaoris; and he! planned a sehejme to establish a colony of Ma-! oris in Hawaii, He was full of noble ideas! for the iyelfare r of his country ; and although ! he fell of late years; yet we must| say.that our frjiend Hoapili was in his best i days, by his |intelligence, and fine looking| person,a most noble Hawaiian; and his death is a joss ; to his country. He iiatl recqived from His iMajesty the ap-1 pointment of , Royal Chamberlain, and he| was packing up in order to remove to the| Palaee, when, death suddenly called upou ] him as he sat .in his chair, and was givingan order, on Mon|3ay at noon the 30th March. Tni: famovs \Kcarsar(/€ rcturned to ouv havl>or on tho 24th u 11. s in eomnuuul of Capt. Harmoi\y ; and oßiceved hy TJeu{euants, Cvaveu (ex o(Ticer), Morong,ManncV and Bo\d ; Mastevs f I>looklingler nnd Field; Sm l goon, Payma>ter, Īuukl; Rngineerp, Wl.jttaker and itiBsett; MidBhipmen, liuvnett» Knight and Lybf)\; Marine Officer 4 Bpieer; and Cleiks, and 3>en^on, \V hen yfo look at hei% we ihink of her in Cherbouvg in a eirele with the^marauding Ahhatpa; and after a while \vheirthe iioii luul lia«s tvaversed a few t!\e diametcr of the cirde, we behold llie j?ca n\ cascades flooding the lioUi of tbo confederate; and no>v and ?inks lonvin£ on!yawhfr] of watev$ ■—ani Semmes nnd his mm rtffoat on the \vnves, a§ to be picked up by th«? reseuing The eearr«Mi and Bplintered pl|\nks lvave all beeiyreuioved, and and timber<* iua\ eovct her swc* perhaps never Ct)erbouvg, for alt that tfte JKeitrsitrjt is a name, * T® be |?vcr in|story \YUh U»e brav? s j j . 4 -- -- -