Nuhou, Volume I, Number 23, 7 ʻApelila 1874 — THEIR MAJESTIES [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The Kipg and Queen haye beeu enthusiastic. ally recetved by the people of Lahaina, The torchlight display, an especial native mark of distinction, claimed by and offered only fo_the Kalakaua family, the preparation of whieh we anno|unced in our native columns last week, was|made wilh mueh eclat by the Lahaina people, on the arriv;i! of t!ie Koyal Visitors. The,capital of Maui was divided in political o.pilnion ajittle while ago, therefore it is a ver)| pleasant circumstance, to see that it is iiow cordially united in support of the reTgning Sovereign. We learn tī|at Governor Kipi having engaged the resijdence of T. Spencer Esq., at Hilo, is it into some sort of palatial condition, in oi|der to give Their Majesties a ' right royal reipeption, We hope that this popuiarity on tho other islands, being reflected haek, wjll arouse a eordial and unanimous loyalty i;n the hearfs of all the people of the capital. '