Nuhou, Volume I, Number 23, 7 April 1874 — THEIR MAJESTIES [ARTICLE]
The Kipg and Queen haye beeu enthusiastic. ally recetved by the people of Lahaina, The torchlight display, an especial native mark of distinction, claimed by and offered only fo_the Kalakaua family, the preparation of whieh we anno|unced in our native columns last week, was|made wilh mueh eclat by the Lahaina people, on the arriv;i! of t!ie Koyal Visitors. The,capital of Maui was divided in political o.pilnion ajittle while ago, therefore it is a ver)| pleasant circumstance, to see that it is iiow cordially united in support of the reTgning Sovereign. We learn tī|at Governor Kipi having engaged the resijdence of T. Spencer Esq., at Hilo, is it into some sort of palatial condition, in oi|der to give Their Majesties a ' right royal reipeption, We hope that this popuiarity on tho other islands, being reflected haek, wjll arouse a eordial and unanimous loyalty i;n the hearfs of all the people of the capital. '