Nuhou, Volume I, Number 21, 24 Malaki 1874 — The Royal Progress at Kauai [ARTICLE]
The Royal Progress at Kauai
Was attended with ealni oii the -.ea, and enthusiasm on the land ; and| the receptioir of King Kalakaua hy hii people at Nawiiiwill, Hanalei, Waimea and Kolpa \\;as all that a ruling_ Hawaiian Chief coulji expect of a loving people. At Hanalei the loyal nativei improvised wooden guns to give their King a royal salvo: the ancient was infused into the games and hulas a| Nawiliwili, and the daylight torches (i Kukiu o īwikanikaua," recalled the especial prerogative of the Kalakana farnily, that whereas other chiefs migLt have torches borrie before ithem during the night. the b!ood of Kalakaua claimed tlie tribute of an unquenched' flambeau botii night and day. The natives oPNawiliwiii marked their appreciation pf the guardianship of foreign ,ships tendered to their King, by contributing and shipping on board the steamer Kilauto. ten fat \ bul!ocks; to be equally divided heiween the American and British men-of-war. His ilajesiy £ the people in the Church at, Koloa and other places \vith happy eiTect; ,anj ioreign aud native oflkials indulgcd in a variety of speeches with more or ,less of appropria;ene£s, and rather \vith less thamnqre. Foreigners on sueh occasions had better |be silent uuless they ean talk in native language to natives; for in fact there are only th,ree foreigtiers iii these islands who ean in Hawaiian to the hearts of Hawaiians, they have uothing to do with the government. Hanalei and made .liberal offeriugs of o!d fashioned tribute to "the King; but Koloa and Waimea eame up short; iio\vevei lake it altogcther the visit of His Majesty to Kauai have *beeu gratifying io tlie pride of a King, and to tjie love ol" a Father of his people; and mu>i seemed a great contrast to thc ccalijiess and divided sentiment of^ahu. H. M, Whitxev publisb<;d on hiā~Marme Bulietin of last Friday, a statemeut, diat we vveretheauthor orone of aletter concerning these island,s, aud putlished in the San Francisco Chro,il>:k ol Feb. 17 last. Any intel!igen: residem of i this to\vn, who has read thtf letter,* aud jtho knows us and our knQ\\-ledge of. ihe subjects discussed will not for oue uiomem attribute ;to us its production. We havo uot wriiteu a line for auy journal oi Sa,n Fmucisco as a i correspondent or in any qther respect, e.v icept a fe\v particulars ot inforiuation for- ! \varded over a year ago to a iriend then eoui nected with a jourual. It is aot our taste at |All to deal in anonymous accusaiijus. Wiien i we propose to attack individuaU or i«eusure? ,our «ame goes \vith our and we arc eyer ready to respond. The statemem pkcod by H. M. Whitney ou his Bui:et:u ooatd ia respect to ourselves p as stated abo\o. an utter falsehood. Miss Colville aud ilr. liu&Liuā, dtik;hie*i a i'ull house last SatiKday whu Df i -- cate Grouud " and a " Conjugal Lesson." 0.: Thursday ihis channing artist appears in •• A Conucal School loi »c«ndal and •• A C«U "