Nuhou, Volume I, Number 20, 17 Malaki 1874 — Queen Kapiolani's Levee [ARTICLE]
Queen Kapiolani's Levee
a oeeimenee, ānd a niāst auspi- j eious event. There ean be no question after; this of Her Majesty's popalarity with the la-; dies of Honolulu. lolani Palaee last Sattirday afiernoon, was thronged with oor best and fairest soeiety, who were eaeh presented to the dignified and ainiable Queen, who reflects 3ustre and honoi* upon the Throne of Kalakaua. Lono; live the q:entle Hao o o waiian Queen, who, though lier name signifies the Prisoner of Heaven, we hope will be for many long years be confmed to earth bv the prayers and Iov r e of the Hawaiian people. The Hon. Mrs. Bernice Pauahi 6|shop f and Mrs. W. L. Green very courleously and kindly took charge of the presentation of the ladies. 1
We said in our prospectus that we never would meet a man's argument by trying to show him up, as having a \vooden leg; and we have ever met our opponēnts with a fair stand up fīght-— ready at all times to answer with our persoti, or our estate, for our word and deed. But this is not the fa§hion of our foes in this community. They throw at us a clod of dirt in the dark, iu reply to an argument lf we strike a fair blow and beforc the eyes of all n\en, we may expect from the u mob ,> we have to fight a nasty thrust from. one of its skulking shirks that stabs in the dark. One of this class of sneaking scribes, who will throw a stone into your back window and hide, and who left the stink of a ' i squib ? ' behind him as he ran, says in the Advertiser, in reply to oUr that īoreign armed intervention ought to have been avoided 3 that our fear of danger on the evening of the riot caused us to buy a pistol for personal safety. Well, it is true, we gōt one fromSquib ,? perhaps ? or his hardware informant, and tried to get seyeral more weapons during that night to fulfin, by special order, a public duty | but as it is not our purpose toexplain, we will only say, that as we have lived fbr over twelve years unarmed and alone on Lanai among about fbur hundred Hawaiians, we do not think there is any occasion for us to begln to arm ourse!ves against them now, either there or here ; and we assuredly don*t think we need arm ourselves to protect our person against who in the words of the H great world'i" poet— " Like a liyer quakii}g loon Sore wifch Aeepile, at ot!iers mark and mccd, Will gather up some waif of feculencc ; And !rom hohmd a xuurky rautage sure Will east with eoward soul and hands impure The foul guerdon of ealumnj'B ordure/' | .... ' , - -- - - -
" fhe mosf \\ise awake journal iu the Sandwich W " That f s what the Saa Francisco Emiutner of Feb. 27, says of us, | and quotes our article, Tqo mueh |tad ioo little n enlire in its editorlal columiis—.! Mareh 6. Our articlei u The Bugal>oo of Leprosy " is ako used as an editoriaL This article has heen large!y copied in AmeriLdn as well as Australian papers» and has done j good service In disabusing the puhlL mlnd | abroad about the uhnecēssary scare in . to leprosy in Hawaii. The Omph* givesj us fhe credit of being a power in Hawaii» j that rnakes the ru!e of otir opponen(> very uneasy. īn fact we have got little honor as a prophet abroad, if not at home. 1 . :j: ;
| We went tf the Theater on lastThufsday 1 !night m spite of the Biea«ly rain t and werej j well rewardeid in sfieing Mi§s CDivil!e 4 .She j i looked very loveiy as Lady Teazle. Wej have the distinct memory of the handsoine . Mrs. Tremai'ne in that part, thirty-nine years ago, yet the ! arch, wayward, brlght spend- ) thrift young) wife of the other evening lostj jnothing by l{ie comparison with younger il-| lusions. In ]her other parts, as the fond wife: of the honey|moon, or as a London grisette j in lpdgings, fehe was easy, natural, and ! attractive. | j The ■" W:idow Chillingtone," . 4t Cousin: | Helen," and the " Silent Woman," of Satur-| day, showed;forth still more attractive fea-| tures in this :very charming actress. She de-; lighted a qiiite numerous and highly re-1 spectable alid discriminating audience, j including the Royal Family and suite, who| turned out despite the incleftient weather.j We do not| feei inclined to give tlfe same] meed of praise to the gentleman performeiy Mr. Hoskins, as an artist, as we do to the lady ; and yst we must say, that his rendering of some ! of his parts, especially in the extravaganza, of the Silent Woman" is about as satjsfactory as ever a critic could expect. The perfbrmances are well worth a visit. :
Hydrogra|iliic surveys in the Pacific crippled by a niggardiy Rētrerīchment Committee in Congress. Some of the Solons at Washington 1 from the inferior who save at the spigot and waste at the bung, deny the deep sea pathfinders of the T>(scarorn and PorttecontJi a fe\v and will lavish a milliorl on some useless structure, or contract, to give a shoddy fnend a lift. The Cartography ! of the maritime world eomprises about 4500 maps and charts, and tlie Hydrographic Bureau of Washington has only supplietl ahoiU 500 of these essential aids to whieh its naval service should incr£ase tenfold, and would do so most efficienily t nnder the guidance of sucli men as Captains Eelknap and Skerrett, if the needs and honor of a great nalion, were not thwarted ! by an ignorant parsimony.
The toady \vas never more assiduous, mawkish and crawling than at this ilmē. The creaturd who reviled with the most opprobrious names a little while ago, licks now where it spat upon, This sneaking and i fawning for pelf is base and grovelling as to nnke us|ssickof our whi(e humauity. Cannot the poor toad get its living \vithout so mueh cra\Vling and licking up of its own poisonous spew ? We swear, in the honesty of our hearts, we would rather sport a malo as sola luxury of our wardrobe f and satisfy our gastric yearnings with poi and waifs from the oeean, than to be so damneJ with foidyism< as'some creatures souts ean eonse»t to be, for the sake of some sma!l addijtion* to a co\Vnrd!y existenee.
• The princsjpal iucrchauts of this , city, by Afon£, Achuck t .Ohulan, aiul Ah Li 4 waiteJ upon His Maj- • csty on SftfjUrJay last to prcscnt tlieir eon- ■ grafulations | along \vitli sotnc substaatial loken? of thcir rcgarJ on His Mtuesty*£s ae-: ,ccssiou to tjlic ThroiK\ Consiacriug ihe | weallh» nmnhers anJ in,flucnce of tlve jPopuh\tion thoso l^aiuU, — we lliink tliat .in tho evcnt |>f anolhei make up "of the iCabinet, that this jn\[iona!ity should bc rep- | re^cnted. 1 ' .■■ - ■ 1 ■ 4- ■ - ■ : ; ; ] - | :;: ■■;: ! I
*Patron^, eompluin of no}i-delivery opapērs, We are depende»t on ver% untrustworthy agenfSj who we have rea-orī to believe, have made the Nt;h6t; pay heU?, than we liave. HoomanawaiiUi. —that say, don't be hard ori us friends, we for glory, and a good tirne eorrjing, >o If yo"miss your livdy breakfasf digēster, the on!y exponent of the independerU press/' (a 1though there is no telling whafit anjgh( if it got some of the iobs the ;other have) why send rouna to oiu p!ffce in fvaahumanu streēt ānd rēfresh your souTs wifyV out money and without price. ,
Pauperism will be established in Hawaii by ihe foolish will qf He might have promoted some mtpmal improvement, or immigration f or or som«r important sanitary measure for his people, , but he gives his property to feed some j agencies wuh percentage, and to create a | lot of paupers vvhere one did not exist before. |Lunalilo y s bequest will be a curse to hh j country.
j The return of the Bonapartes to power u. |France is nofc probably far |distant. One reason given in the New York HcraīJ. for their " strength in France, is the aeknowledged fact, that no dynasty e|ver was more |true to those who \vere friends in adver*ity t I than the Bonagartes/ ?
j " His or Her elainu"—His or Her Mnje— ! ty, he did not care whieli, but with a manījfest leaning to Her. And now, who moutiis |" His Majesty " with so mueh ajthis eool pārtizan, and now| hot blooded ! toady. Oh ! what a flop was there 5 of this ibatrachiari? !
I The stearaship City of Melhoume arrivei j on Sunday, a week after on account of |snow b!ockade on the Ce*tral Pacific Eai*j road. She had lo wait for mails. Train up a politicran in the way he shou!l go, and when he is in office, you don % t know where to find him/ j Telegrams from Penang up io 13 January !state that the Dutch still encounter a desper|ate resistance in Aehin. | f Don Csr!os may yet be King of Spah:. ! Well we are carl!ess* advocaies of Spaiiisli | royalty. Long live the Carle-r-if he ean. Bad colds are now very frequent, but \\e have no fear for our lungs, they ean take a:r of themselves. Hou. J. W. Louoaea* one c|f our legisiaj tors wounded duriug the riot #l is not dead |reported —wo are gk\d to hear,thU. Womau is tlie lever whieh mo\es tue world and gets us in debt 4 it we kave her nlone. I . Th« kmg and «uiie left yesierday ia ilio JLMmtea\Q make a royal progfess on KauaL We aro to have a con\xn\tiuii Uie Colouie«. | When are our [cisky !auibs lfke Liw booU i When bounsheep, ( Money i$ very c!ose™at lhl7ilra\ bu; ao; close euough for us to get hola of u.