Nuhou, Volume I, Number 18, 3 March 1874 — Nuhou Military Regulations. [ARTICLE]

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Nuhou Military Regulations.

Gen£»al Order No. I.—Hawaiian KepI resentatives are expected to fiirnish sufEcieni I Hawaiian soap to lubricate the new milnary machinery at the Jiarraeks. ,Geueral Oider No*2.—The bulliononQf|ieers* dressshal!uot lbe in propo*iion to their bullying address ; , and gold laee shall be to the extem i of the lining of jhe individual's own pocket. j General Order No. 3.—Every honorary milii tary officer shall be ,allowed (o nay his own , tailor bills. |

The Second Interregnum/* u compilation of all the interesti|ng i connected with our recent royal eleeiion, « will be issued to-day by T. G r Thruiu. Some !of the documents publishpd by Queen ; Enuna'a friends and now repjrmteJ, are litI erarv curiositie? : and will be jread \vith mueli i interest abroad. A good portrait of King ! Kalakaua illustrates this vatuable brochure * of sixteen pages. !

; Toots.—We are remiuded of ihiā imuioii tal youth iti "Dombey & Soii," by refercuce ( iu tue 1 Poiicy of ihe Administratiou" to , the " sileut tomb." That gushing admirer of |Miss Floy eyer aspired to tliis Leiheau i rcfugo for liis sud soui aileeuou \\ , uure«iuited; aud we feel ihat au uuapprei ciative puhlie will iuduce tho author of u,at ■ " JPolioy " to seek iu syrupailiy an oblivious 1 subsidenco \vith Toots.

Hon. Kipi is appo|utcd Goveruot ,of lUwaii. A good appoiuuueui.