Nuhou, Volume I, Number 18, 3 Malaki 1874 — Our Special Police Force. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Our Special Police Force.

j, - _=» | | j , Whieh held the post,of imniediale ; guard ofJ?ers^. , funeral procession lasi a boiy 01 ! men, known to be devoted adherents of King JKalakaua, and organized under the direetion -.of Attorney General Hartwel]. They have only had two short driDs under the soldier!p , diro.ction of Major Moehonua, acting as drlll and yet such is their excellent ! spirit and desire to <jfualify themselves as a . loyal and efficient corps to defend the person 1 of their royal chief and to keep the peaee o r ■, that īn this short time they | hāve acquired a proficiency ni their | and maneuvers and a spirit !of orde*r wliieh j called forth many commendaj tion during their march to tlfe Mausoleum. " j W hen. this special corps has its fuīl eomplej ment of men, when it has hfd a little »ore j experience and drill, and being well equipped I and officered, it abie to care of any ; future riots in this to\vn. 1