Nuhou, Volume I, Number 18, 3 Malaki 1874 — The Funeral of King Lunalilo. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Funeral of King Lunalilo.

On Saturdiy last, \vas somewhat of a pageant for Honolulu. The officers anJ marines of four ship? of \var, the C. S. S. Benecia, H, B. M. jg. Tenedo?, and the 11. S. Ships Tasearora and Portsmouth. assisted at our royal obsermies. There were about fifty uniformed foreign officers at the Palace } and in the prockssion, who represent a powerful force in tliese seas, and we had also about fifty richly imiformed officers } who represent no torce at ali ; but will,'we hope, by-and-by. Foreign representatives, and nobles, and officials of our islands were in grande tenue>. and contributec] largely to the eclat* of the day. His -Mājēsty "the King, and H. R. H. the young Prince Leleiohoku, aīong with Her Majestly the Queen Dowager Emma, guarded by the lines of the new native Speciāls, wēre, of course r the chief objeets of interest §ought by every curious eye of the rnany tliousands who crowded along the line of march. The procession fronT the Palaeie to was not intcrmptcd by u Siugie ifijsturbing incident; but as ours is not a ne#spaper, we do not enter into details, but siitip!y sayj that as Hawaiians delight so muih in funemls, this one must have been sntisfactory to the friends of King Lunalilo, nM to national pride.