Nuhou, Volume I, Number 18, 3 March 1874 — "The Policy of the Administration" [ARTICLE]

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"The Policy of the Administration"

As set forth in the ministerial organ is as follows : I.—Thc law shall take its course in the prosecution of rioters. 2.—No ccssion of Territory will be hereafter ma«.lc by quondam cessionistf, 3.—That we must wait for Ke:iprocity until tho time when Aiueiiea theaJvantage of the Continent reciprocating:with the Archipelago. 4.—That the heahh ofl the people will be looked after. ō,—AuU Uuji Cluistiaiiity must bo patron* ized. : J : This is th<j; whole sulm and sabstance of a v. ! * »\»*\» \nKhli ii* utterly devoid of any new idea, or any propo?ition )ndifating a new departure. We expected somc littfe <;hanga for the better j but this s©-cal!od enunbiatiou.of a " policy," is a repetiti<j»n of the; weale fogyUra of the lute aJministmtion, wi{h n pvorni?e of r.\ther more to say. ! • w ■■

;■.";; i1- v vi^i v '-■"■■- "V->? V-'; * ; i-;v: .vvv : -vv. .'!.; v ;::v : ;: ;; v :;:■ V i adjoiinng in Ihe . ne wou!d secure for himself ouf joi the bargain a fine fortune t and at the I sarne iime gain increased coiieequence fcy jthe presence of American meji-of-war sent jby a stretch of executive authQrity info j Dominican waters virtua'!y to j»rotect him m jhis posilion. It was said that lli.e j people were quite wiiling to the cession and j rejoiced in a disintegration of |heir territory j that was to improve th-e business of the j island, and make them ai! richer. But they j have not been satisfied, being possib!y jaroused by a Dominican Nuhoi , and utider jGen. Gonzales, they have driven Baez 4 ?he j Cessionist, their former trusted , !eader out of j the country, And this would have been the j case here, that is, revolution of some kind. j had the governmant persisted |in ces.sion of i Hawaiian Territorv.