Nuhou, Volume I, Number 17, 24 Pepeluali 1874 — Our Situation [ARTICLE]
Our Situation
Ī8 a difficuk one, aud.rcquircs iuorc courago and cf epeeeh forlts improvcmcut th;u\ the pespcctable averagc of our eomiuuuitj will vont\imao aik>ert; and since it is thc resjxs:tttbie! average that thc luoke up of ihe gov-! ernuient, >\e eanuot hj>pe for wholeaoiue and vital 1 change unlil real eajxxeitj, aud aot merels ' moniEing adjustments, £Overn thc Our ' primo dtffi:u!ty ni ihe vajr of haruiouuiug! twr> r;nws mkl lu endeavoritij; to iuflucuvV iUid ■ dir<vt the ualural right. aad poliiiea! supremaey |
ūf tbc oik bv tbe intriguc ahu cfgc!e:7 o: t': 1 other. Therc is a laek of real, c.>rdirtl eo-oper..-tion for nnitual welfnre tliat bars a'! p:gro=1 Jealou?j nn«! di"strust I )pT , '*vnil, l .and the m ~»r.? n ?- ®ineroiis but less thougbtful are not \vi!!:ng t Urust in the i]r,,-e]f]shne.=s an«3 faīr dcaiing <'f t! ■ ■ !ess numerou? t!iinker=, If eonfidcii«'v r.r;-] ?:::x ® fraterna! love eonld be establisheJ between * sin this archipelago, then mig|ht"\vd ; - : its peop!e unite«.l, V)gorōii?. ai;-:I -;- i- ; perous ; but !et us not t!jink t<i aeeoin'pii*!, th> V«" ! a mere businc?s like adju«trnent of Intere*'?.--t. . the neg!eet of the generoti? pnneīp'e^—iL;>pirit of devotion and eourage t!sat wi!l !r-3-:e:v: :- and fire t!ie !ieart 6f a peop!e|.