Nuhou, Volume I, Number 17, 24 February 1874 — The Political Prospect [ARTICLE]
The Political Prospect
ls not as6uring. The ancient feudal spirit oF authority ;in Hawaii l)as bcen destroyed. The " Plebiseit|um r? gave to it its death blow. And a new afrthōrity, the result of ,intelligent organization as |>ased upon law, has not yct sueceeded to the old|. This kingdom is a siek man, who ncpds iuirsing, who canupt protect himself, and wlio is cn(ij;eblod the dclaslve medicamenU of polilieal qi]mcks, but wlio maj bc rcstorcd to iudcpcndcnt| vigor by the harsh \vholcsome remcdics oJ' a true phjsīeian. We are jsorrjr- to note uuder a surlace of peaee an undercprrent of disquiet, wliieh uceds a lirm aud Bkillfi|il administration of public affairs to allay and (|outro!; and it is cvidcnt that tl:e task before the |iic\v Ministry is jmore arduous thau any that |any fonuer ministry of this kingdom cver cncouptcred. Tliey _have to prove that they ean protcjt themselves atid society before anj othcr of reform ean bc bcgun,—uay, before they elui elaim to be called a govcruuicut. Aud this ufust be made apparcnt to the foreigu powcrs iuobt dceply interested in our afiprs, aud in our po|ition, if >ve \vould. not have ouv autonouiy ijnestioued. i • - i - -. - — ,