Nuhou, Volume I, Number 17, 24 Pepeluali 1874 — Our Partisanship [ARTICLE]
Our Partisanship
ln tlie latd contest WasFaithFul and zealous insupporting ou|r present ehoiee oF Sovereign. We are oF a vaee ; and were trained in a political school, Avhosc people put their hearts mto their work; and \ve delighs to do so. The assertion oFa principie that is trup and thc maintenanee of a eauee, that is right Furuish satisFaetion to our mind independent uf| any other consideration ; and henee \ve have n<pver slaeked our liands or gone back 011 our work, bccause resuits havc not always been as llattei ing to ourselves as we may have been led to expect. We will do our duty at any rate. and be eon teuc with our assertion oF manhood in behaii oF o;ur iellowmen. The Ilawaiian people aie e\er our eausc, under \vhatever standaid beaiti ; and it is our hope to help feta3' their deeline, and ; Wurk For an iiiLiease that shall save the llawaiiian name l'rom extinetiou.