Nuhou, Volume I, Number 17, 24 February 1874 — The Public Security [ARTICLE]

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The Public Security

AnĀ t! ; e fiupport oF law and order, d-mand our earnest' and faithFul attcntion Wlioever may rule. ThereFore w ? e offered our services to shoulder a musket or carry a policeman's billy 011 the day of our recent:disastrous disturbance. We were and are to serve in the ranks with any true men for a purpuse. without parchment or or tra!ppings of anyfkind, and with only an implement ! in hand for essential serviee. The Attorney General desires to organize an espeeial poliee For<te oF eitizens, to aid the ordinar,y stipendiary fbree in c-ase oF emergency, anel all good men, "\vho Llo not desire a state oF eliionie insecurity, wijl rcspond to tliis eall.