Nuhou, Volume I, Number 17, 24 February 1874 — The King at the Catholic Church. [ARTICLE]
The King at the Catholic Church.
ilis Majesty n£si*tcd at līigh Mass, last Suuday foronoon, at the Catholic Churoh of St, Aftcr tlu: llis MajeBty, accompanied by Mopsieur I'allioii. the Commissioner oF France, his ChancelJor Monsieur Peniet, Judge! Kapeno, and olliei' gentiemen paiil a visit to Monseigncur Maigret, thc Ī3i^hop oF Arathia, who receivcd the King in Full eanomeak. The venerable Eishop presentcd to llis Midesty, Fatheu ])amien, our Christiatv hcro among the lepers, and the King entered into an earnest convcrsation respecting the condition of ]iis unFortunn te diseased subjeets on Molokai, giving a wann assurance of hīs high appreciatiou oF ihe good work of mercy at the leper settlcmeiit. In aecbrdance wUh the expresso<.i wish of llis Majesty, the Bishop aeeompanied the King topay a visit to the good Sisters, wliosc rcsidenee adjoins the ehurfch edi{iee. His Majesty was reeeived bv these pious anel selF-saeriflcing ]adies . with'ageneral exelamation oFVivq le Roi,'"' llis Majesty reealled to minu some pleasant reminiseences of iiis sister IhMiiee?;- Likelike, w.hen a pupil in this establishment; AFter a while, when thc young eharges of these ladies wcre prcsented to llis Majesty, a bright little maiden spoke to rJie King. and praycd in behalf of herselF and coiprades that llis M<ijesty would obtain For them a day'« holiday. {< That is not enou^h,'- 1 said the King smiling, "as a royai gilt; I must ask For you a week.'' Eut as the Lady Superior e\ pressed the hope that llis Majesty vvould uot demand so extcnsive a eonge For tlie young people, it was limited lo the day First requested ; and r,hc3i -Ilie Majesty departed with hearty vivas lrom ]iis ](>yal Catholic subjects. I)uring tJie visit of Uis Majesty to tlic 13ishop, the pupils oi' the Nunnery ehanted iu the presencc oF the King a song in thc nativc language, oF whieh a copy will be Found iii our native eolumiis ; nnd the following is our translation : A SONU : VOK 'KINO» KALAKM'A. Our King wlio mlos tlic lauil/ Is named The Batile Day-~ And/roiH the Almjglity ? s lland He takes His crovrn and swa\ ( And fbrever free, May His klngdom be. l'eaee d(i»th now prevail, And blessing rests on all— And sons and sires they hail His guardiau kiagly .Ih^an/ And forever free, «le. ' The royal nutive laee, It necds no foreign voiee— The tongue of aneieaī dayn . } ; ill make our hearts re]oiee f \ And forever free. I \ The ancient law apply, The conq'ror-s brokea oar, . ! From HUo to Ka\iai, ; Our trusted King res.tore, ! And forever free t Long live our uative ssway, Our Huhers' rights we stng— . j !iOng Kalnkaua, | Our trUsted nati?e Kiog, j An 3 f reur fcee, ! JLet doubts no inore u- i»ari, The people or thc chiet # ] Be one in iuind and heari ! Ami in a true l>elief; | And lorever free, | kay our »ative j§ōvereigtt t»c4 j ~2T A \1 fouv of ovet oiw lmudreJ | ibreiguerB aud nafives, has been ciirolled under| the orders of the ;Attoruey-OeneraL «