Nuhou, Volume I, Number 17, 24 February 1874 — The Ministry [ARTICLE]

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The Ministry

i (Jhosen bv Kiog Kalaknua aie m irupiove- | ment in point of* official esperienee and persono! j acUvity upon their predecessor<. T!ie late Min- ; istry represi'nted respectabīlitj " alone ;w] vi,.- ! as our present Ministry represent fully as iuu v' j our īespectability and official capability I But there is a quality whieh this poor e-jurjtr) . j in its struggling condition, emmently needs, ar« f | that is we wiil say, polUieal! genius, or rathev ) Btatesuaanship, tbat i« capat>le of unfailing j resouree fbr meeting political cmergcneie<s an l I remains to be seen whether tliese aenllemen d ; O ) possess or not this essential quality fjr the pre?j ervation and maintenanee of līawaīian inderen--1 dence. Mr. Green is a gentleiuan of some offieia< | experience in the line of his prcsent dutie? } and j his mental qualifieations warrant the expeetati_* I that he will initiate measure* ealculatcd t<» inI spire the c4»ifidence of the- c{»untry. Xo tfiar. I ean be befc f tersquali£ied than Mr Wīdemann fji j the details of his depart;mcnt ; but thc | puhlie will look for some progtessive hj intcrnal improvemenr. The Treasurj wlll uiiI queßtionably be in safc hands wUh Oovern : i I Nahaolelua. so far as honesty of service is eoni cerned: but how far he will eontribute tu j strength of a Cabinet is another question that t may nofc be ae assured!y solved. llowever any | deficieocy on this point, of aflvisory abilUy un I the part of any member of the Ministry wlll 1h ) supplementcd by an able and aetive Attornev | General, whom we have now' in the person of I Gen. A. S. HartwelL Acknowledged ability lu j law ie a eommanding inSuene!e the II I waiian people, and as they | possesscd in aa eminent degre<| bj tlu'®Hte Liir>r c | Associatc Justice of the Suprgue at d now j Attorney Ueneral a to this gentleman .wir. | aeeorded we believe a leadir«g inEuene- ;o o } Cabinet. i