Nuhou, Volume I, Number 17, 24 February 1874 — The Evacuation of Honolulu. [ARTICLE]

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The Evacuation of Honolulu.

: :-j . | ■■ I I Thc last £qiuid of our forei;in &arrisbn left ns ! i * o Q .. j last Fridaj. and \vc arc inclincd to ihink tliut tlic' citj was lōti!i to part'with its invadcre. Wc saw! somc cYidcrlce of this at t!ic Earracks last Thuis-I day cvcning. Wc wcnt therc in consequcnco of| a froin Lieul. F. H. P>romilow' to appcar ht his head-quarters ; and we were! happj to diecover that. he 5 with his Co!inuunder | Captain Ra j, and hrothcv officer^ 3 Messrs. Aelau^, ! Bigge, LloJd, Haggard. Warlei<*h, Tlcnderson J Eouike and othcrs alone with thc garrison had! O O 1 been fairly 1 capturcd %y a epeeial citj Foive, ever | justly for the conquept of navnl wnrriore,' We dare riofc parfcicu|krize this forcenay, we> are kssurcd that no ecfitorial privilege. or sanctītv! would eayc us, sliould we venture to designate| any ēspecial membcrB of this fbrce as thc on|s! wlid mainlj cflcctcd this eaplui'e, and recoverccl | the Barracis fbr thc cltj, Let it sufficc for us to' saj, that though the at?sault was not une3;pccteds j the efficien<iv of the arins used was eueh, that \vy ! fbund eaeh gallant officer of the T?ritish <>ccu|S~ tion in charge of one of thc rescuing Jbr ee, &nd | led about j as contentcd a captive as we ever S saw, l Without Hirther l\adinage Ave will sitiiplj say, 1 that the farce in char|e of the Ban%cks eelehi \ted ! the eve of iheir evacJation bj a pleasaiit piitj, at Whieh there was alarge representation of our most charibing ladies The" guard room and other ehanibers werc handsomelj decorated with eve%reens and bright bunting, thcrc was a ehoiee andfbountebiis collections 6f substantial vefreshments and wines,—it was altogother a verj p!easant affair, and the bfficers of 11, B M.'s S. Tenedes, aiid many of the ladies and gentlemen ofHonoluMv no doubt, long remember last " affiiiir of the Batraeks, M The offid?rs of the V, S. S, Potismouih and their fbred of marints stationed at tlie Court Hpuee, evalcuted the plaee, after about Hiree dajs Thc offieers and marines of the S. Tīt?c<irora conttnued somewhat loii£er in charge of their post nt the Arinorj ; but all the naval nshore hns now evacuated the eitj. And we must mcntion that it wa? wel! for the peaee of ctir eommmiitv that ?ueh di?ereet and conrtcous 'eommnnders b 4 nppencd to bo in our hnrbor at the time of our difficulty, a? Captains Skcrrctt, Sav, and Belknap, who were so efficicnt!j scconded by offiecrs like Lieut. Commander Clarkc, anll Me?srs, Moore, T>anenh.over, T\ce?, Crosby, Strcet and Jewett of tbc , — by Licut. F. B. Brornilow ? and \elarid B?gge ? T,lWd, Jones, Morgan, Bourke nnd Hendct>on{ of the 7Y««vfr and by Lieut. Cemmnudei* Jowcll, :iud Messr?. Norris } TTyde. Sutberland'and Veed<»r of the Tu<ca*'o>\i. The whole Am'eriean fonv on shore from the two ehip was 150 men, whh one f»atling gun, T!ie ■4 f : Ii ~

post establis!ied at the Court ĪLjTfre ]u char£o of Lieut. Com. Clarke s and the po'st at t!:o Armorj v\as in ertrge of Lient. Mor-re. Th«"- * forcc under Lieut. Com. Bromil ;w r:t tl.»'* Baiia«?kconsisted of 75 marines. Wc hope. nay, we sl.all cndeavor to prcvent a?»v inoiv ■•■c«casīon f r a joint 1 occupation. but if therc d<»cs, tihr rtunatr-ly or!sr ' one, we phall bc glad to lmve! the protectīon of ! such plcaBant gentlemen as t?»ose of thr Pw;*- !■ mouth } Tencdos and Tuscarora.' t