Nuhou, Volume I, Number 16, 17 February 1874 — Aehin Triumphant. [ARTICLE]

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Aehin Triumphant.

Telcgratns (i-om Siugapore say that tlio Duteh! army Was sevdrely hanJlcd by the troops of the 1 Sultan'of Aehln in eommaml of the allied Suma-i tran foi-ces. Tt is said tbat the Aehinwe " fought ! like āeuaoneagainst their inra<Jers. The fine appointcd army ofabout 15,000 men wiih all improred iinplen!>ents of vrar,*received again a terri-' ble eheek froni otir Malay friends, and lost ahout 1 300 men aud 15 officers. "We \vere the gueet of! these Sumatran people, \vere sheltered and saved! twiee from dcath hy them, therefore shall we not! feel an intercst in tlieui, an<l rejoicc iu their suc-' cesB. e«pecially wlien thcy are siiuply fightiug for the indepcndenee of their eountry? Wc havc long correspobdcd >vith the cMefs of through a contmcrei«l fri4nd in Uie -Ēust ludies, ! is we did their resolution and preparation l"or defence, vve gtated eonfidenUy wonlhs ago, that llollaiKl vvould reeeive a eheek in Sumatnt I ! ' :

BT Ohineeo Kew \ear*6 was u£licrcvl iu Ciulv this morning % rcports or fire eraekew aud tlicir uowv baud—aua tbrgugbout Uio daj (luesdavj our Ce!estial fricuJ? kej>t houso tu all Uieū' ' entertain«d Hieui iu a tery lioeuiiahle " wr. We wiah ihaaiOl a' • the teigu 0 f Kin^