Nuhou, Volume I, Number 16, 17 Pepeluali 1874 — Our Mob. [ARTICLE]
Our Mob.
Tbc riot at tlie l'ourt Iloua' laet Tiiuifidaj was a vorj sa«3 scrious afī»ir, but uot as somc spcak of it anj> partlcul' eavagerj of natiY>' thokin<i. It w
spects, and its personal vio!ence was confined especial persons.; and proves one thing we have' m ofteii aBserted, that the native will voked rbolest the foreigner, "We were present atj the eelebrates Astor Plaee riot in the eīt vof ! York 5 haā alsci witnessed nots in the eities of| Baltimore, and Manchester, England; and In I *■'" I fhose instanece we saw something like thc demoniaeol furj of wild beasts rathcr than of sav-; age men. Bui; our lionolulu mob at the Court 1 House last Thursdaj kept their furj within a ! eertain bound, ! and showed nothing like the saj^ agerj that had been >vitnessed in a mob ofLon« Paris, Ndw York, MancheBtcr, Kaplee, Baltimore, and dther cities of highlj enlightened countries. Tliis, like anj other riotous affair, is a sad and a deplorable eYent, let it not be rD!srepresented, exaggerated, or ineorrectlj estimated.