Nuhou, Volume I, Number 16, 17 February 1874 — We are Blamed [ARTICLE]

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We are Blamed

For awakcuii)g patriotic scutimciit,' and for criticieing constituted autliontiee. Alae! 1 for a country \vhcrc uo such voicc exit=ts. Arc such Toiccs stifled in frec England and frce Amcr-' Ica ? And are tlicj free from mobs ? Mobs are ;iot produccd by tlie patriotie awakeuer, but rather tlie iuccndiarj demagogue \vith ljiug appeale to ignorant eai'6; and yet not always J produccd I>j thcse, but rutlicr by neglcctful con-j stituted authorities wlio, csercising no vigilauce, ; no forecast, 110 vigor, allow liuniau passion, wliieh will spring up among t'ue educated as well as among tlie iguorant, to gain a destructive headwaj and destroj? the peaee of thc land. It is the dutj of authoritiee to observe everj publie inovement the first initiatiou of lawleeencss, and those who do not, are inorc dangcrous to thc peaee of a eountrjr thau anj |juouut of demag3gues. A weak goYerumcut is a dangerous one, bccause uutil the daj comcs when therc shall be a naiion of philoeophers, all governmerit imi«t bt founded ou foree.