Nuhou, Volume I, Number 16, 17 February 1874 — The Joint Occupation [ARTICLE]

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The Joint Occupation

01" tliu tu\Yn by tlic naval forccs of' Urcat Britain īiikl thc Uuited States now in our ha-ibor,- lias takcn plaee in tlie.qui.etest.and niObt gatiBfactotj iiiaiuior possible, Tho gentlemanlj demeanor of offieer€ and tho perfect diecipline of men afford not thc 6lightest oeeaeion for cobip!aint on the £>arfc of thoge who may regret tlie moßt # foreign occupation. It is a humilllting eireuraBtīuice to the minds of all who d(Bt>ire' the welfare of this Kingdoin, who tnow however that it wa« brought about bj the weakness of officiale, thej are content io receive protection at the hande of the brave men of the Portsmouth % the Tenedos t and th<? Tuscarora. The pleasant gentlemen of the Portmoūth t whom vve have had the honor to meet Boeialljj we found bivouacked with a &cmhlanee of grim war in the Court īiouae. Lieutenant CommaDder Clarke had his headquarters among the debris of our Maiehal-e office« The tcrrible u Gatling " stood guard at the main entrance, and bid defiance to ten thoueand rioters, Lieutenant Comttjander Bromilow of the Tenedos \vas in command at the Ean'aeke, and Lieutcnant Commander Jewell of tlie Tuscarora held charge of thc Armorj. Guards were detailed for the Palaee, the Government Buildings s and the residence of Major Moehonua, where eo manj Legielative members arc residing/and the Prison. Thc brave Jacks of the several ships, though as quiet and ae orderly as possible, were evidentlj amused and perhaps a little interested in their new duties, We overheard oue " salteaj, Now bojs, this is what we arc going to eome to in Amoi'iea, as sure as a woman runs for Prosidcnt; thc wuinen are keenei' to egg 011 a fight than the 11101)/' To this some one replied that Jaek got the worst of it with the u old woman " at home. " W e liope soyn thafc our brave fiiends will be reiieved of their present dutj, bj thc that Eis Mojestj King Kalakaua has enough of lojal men in Ilis Kingdom readj to delend His Throne aiul to keep the peaee of the eountrv.