Nuhou, Volume I, Number 16, 17 Pepeluali 1874 — The Legislative Assembly [ARTICLE]
The Legislative Assembly
j Whidi convened at the Court HoiUe 011 the 12th | instsnt, for the important- purposc c>f elcctmg a ! King of the Ilawaiian Island«, held n very quiet | aceorap!ished their important hupine?- ! with grcat tranqiulity, but encountercd c\ ?evere j popular storm on theīr adjournment. | Ali the raewbers of tlie popular l>raneh twenty- [ eignt in number ave, with one exccptLn. I native6 of thet>e and arc all excellent j repre6entatives uf Ilawaiian physirpie and cdi;cn- | tion. They fuily represented Ilawaiian idea?, | and thg spiritof Ilawaiian national independeriCe; i and it miglit be £Yippo:īed that the native people j would haii wieli pride and satisfactiori such an j overwhelming demonstrtion of n;Uive purposc of self govcrnment, and yet 6trangv to ?ay, the?; repre6entatives of the npwly awa]vcncd patriv'tiv" eentiuient uf tl*e couutry, encountercd a !>it£er | hoetiiity and violence at the hands c>f t!ioh" | trymen, on account of their ehoiee of a King. i But tbere was an especial, loenl cau?e for tli- ! disturbance: and the 6vent does|not prove ary- ! thing againFt the general through«~*v;t | these islands of the Sovereigh ; or against !the eentiment of independence, o* īrdicated 1y ' the large repre5entatIon, or aga!nflt nativ'e oapa»' ! ty for pelf government. The cspeeiaVcau?e of t',e 1 riot whieh did violence to the porlu!ar rerre>env,- ■ tion oridnatcd in a svsteraatic £f!brt to inOame ; the feeling5 of a mob to support 'a eandidate f:r 1 the throne, in vrhose bcha!f ; ! statenicnt> nr.d | pronn?os \vere niadc. wh.ieh cou!d en!y have beer ! credited by the mo?t igiiorant and wort!de?> o r ' the native people of the?e islanb>. ' \vere published whieh \vero utter fa!sehood:>, ar% ! promi?es \veve made 3 \vhieh it \\ l .mld have ! ; | impos?iMe to fnlfdl s and yet a ?iinp!e an3 eret > lou? niob of peaple, nmong \v!;om ! there wa> n t ;; * and n natlve of nnv re?veo!.: - | bility ; believed all — that the\ ' \vould be feasted all theiv day? and gain 1 and bonor boside<5, and so being ?tirred np dai!y. ' nay honrly, by ineendiary pvinteil at.d hv * per?onal hnrangue£, they beeame exei?ed to tl e ' pomt of \oolcing npon their cciuntrymen, ' e!ectetl a King, who would make no FaW - I iw. ns men vrbo had deprived thetn of tbo ohan:e ' of mncb good fortnne and honOr, in not voting 1 for them£andidato. { The oF thi$ w! . j iu the faoe oF a popu!ar ?torm w!\!e*i tbtvatened tfiem v1uring tb'eir dvVorve hionot and cs>nBldmtion fof thc firnmefc$ 1 vrUh whieh they ?ugtaini\T tfient !ooVtct;ori? t ar.v1 * C;\rrled out the in?truetions olf t^etx^const!tuerit? * They Ftood up !!fce heroef to do tbeir duty t and ' tbe?r wonnd* they have j*o!?tica! *M»higaeeSsJcsa