Nuhou, Volume I, Number 15, 10 Pepeluali 1874 — MASS MEETING. [ARTICLE]
Popular Choice of KALAKAUA to be King of the Hawaiian Islands.
On Wo(lncsd;iy, the -ilh init., a ma>s meeting of the people of iionoiulu a££eiublei at Ka\vainhno Chureh. The building wai packed \vith a erowd of 3,000 people. among wliom \vere im\ny of tlie most respeetab3e foreign residents, a!so foreign Jij--lomats and ofßeers of the ;three ships of \var in port. After a rcso!ut:on propeseJ by Mr. Stanley of eondolence to His Highues? Charles Kanaina, the father of ihe late Kine. \vas passeJ, Kalauli, the | chief luna 01' ihe Nunou, o(lered the follo\vit!g reso!utious : īii.Kōh'- J, That \vo the people of iionolulu in mass meetuig asscjmbkd in Kawaiahao Chureh, do. hcreby eliooīē ihe High Ohiei" D.-ivir> Kalakaua a|s King of the Hawaiian Islands. ! That \ve iusiruct tiie represeutatives of the people to assemble ia Legis!ative Conneil !o ehoose the High Cluei David Kalakaua alone as Kir.g and 110 other. These resolutions \vere passed wiili \i>dferous acclamation; uud it \vas evidem iroin the temper of the assemblevl mulūiuee, tliat resolutions proposiiw to : plaee iaimcdiate power into the hanus of the Hig!i Chiet Kalakaua \vould have eutertameJ, had not Major iloeiionua reacl. to the assembly a »ote, stated to be froui tlie jCUiei u> Uie People, in whieli he depjrecated auy aeuou on the part or his frienJs that was coutrarj to thc Constitution anJ !a\vs of thc couutry, aud iu whieh he stated that he wouU al'iie by tfw regukr action of the Coustuudoual ,order oi tūe coumry, aud accept the ehoiee ©f the people as expresscj throui!i ilie islatire Assembly. The conservative coursc wUieh tliis ind;|cated \vas soiuewhat iu opposition 10 the e;i|lkusiastic feeliug ei the assembly, as was sho\vu by the applause accotJeJ 10 P. Ma'.o, l*ho contended for some declaration of ilie |right« of Kalakaua to Throae.