Nuhou, Volume I, Number 15, 10 February 1874 — TO THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. [ARTICLE]

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ānd Mepres€7}tatives: — ] You know tbc object of this paper. ītj was nndertaken by its publisher, not as a biisiness 5 bat for the sole purpose of 3efeating the Pearl Harbor Cession project, arid to establish an enduring sentiment in behalf of the maintenance of Hawaiian Jndependence. The Nalion has respondēd to this sentimeiil as advocated by the Nuhou, and trierefore we may be permitted to offer as honest aiiel iaithful advisers a few suggestions and n final word of advice on the important queslion of the ehoiee of a Sovereign# j We say that Pi'inee Kalakaua is a truej and faithful chief of this Nation, When ihe scheme for Cession of Pearl Harbor wasj first mooted he was a determined opponentj and lie was ever an indefatigabie eha mpion for the independence of his native ■country. This gent]eman, whom we iiail as Prince, because lie has been bv'the enO thusiastic aeelaim of a multitude of. his fellow countrymen, as heir to tlie Throne of rhis is a trne and an enlig*htened O . W" natriot. He represonts iiie aneiem aristbcracy of xhese islands ; and he is tlie on!v Hawaiian of chief blood, who by experience, culture and a vigorous manhood, is fitted to fill the Throne of a weak naiion like this, strue:o-linor 7 OO O for the preservation of national existence. He will be a prudent and a conservative King, and no one ean doubt but that it will be liis earnest study and unwearying effort to stay the decadence of his country and to strengthen its nationariife, fn Kalakaua we ieel is the last hope of Hawaiians, With him they may hope for a new !ease of national existenee ; but witliout him the spirit of faction, and the influence of cliques will;soon stifle the last spark of Hawaiian Independence. Therefore, we believe, that you Nobles and Representdtives have the cause of Hawaiian Independence in your hands when :alled upon to choose a successor to Lunalilo, By the voice of the people, and not as an heir, was Lunalilo placed upon the Throne . and so will representing national sentiment, plaee the Crown upon the head of Pnnee Kalakaua. Nobles and Represenlatives, when ygur present duty js accomplished» we hope to join with you iii saying, Gob Save King Kalakaua. 1