Nuhou, Volume I, Number 13, 27 January 1874 — The Appointment of Nobles [ARTICLE]
The Appointment of Nobles
ls a prcrogative of the Klng; but Hmi6ters never advise it3 exereise eseepi to notaLle service to the eouuto', and in tupport of tLe Throne. When iHe exerei£ed $ii*iplj to eoau-: honor upon a prosperous gentleinaii wLo Las ncjc . . inoved a finger in t!ie pul>lie bervijx% Ic Is to bv ' regarded as an aet of mere āwonlipin, auIM:-;*-ters must espeet to be eondemued ju tlie of the people as having adrsed a \vroii£ U tl,' countrj ; aud partieularly a to any suc.e< sor to the Throne, when they advik that a o-o; dinaU % brt\ueh of the iKnvev, identiiied with the sujpport of tl:e Throne, to be eimpK* paeked, >o a,f to comp!c;eS forestnll th£ csereise of the roval i the fut«re, and therefore exhaust ! ai\ Impcrt \r: fount of honor, wtth whieh the Sovereigu herea rter imy reward any future serviee to the eouuUv ft i8 Bueh a wrong that it will eause t!:e \vr basis on whieh it to be \|ucsiioued
2T lHie V;;- n v n\ m trlm. t!ns d:\j nt 4 i\ iu for L;\ln\ina— Crauc i> Tbe J>TOtty Maggie Knight go. s *ov t!:o to siug ou Maui. ,