Nuhou, Volume I, Number 13, 27 Ianuali 1874 — The Portuguese. [ARTICLE]
The Portuguese.
In corisiderlng tLe dlfferent fore,]gn ele-m0n1.% that g<j to mako up our popuiaflop. we se?d-)nj hear mueh ment!on of the~Porlugtse~.;, and jo* thej rank nest rifter Amerlean- ana b\ pDlnt number3. TLeir pretence In tT>e cc»u;frv is eminently bcneficial, As in South Americū, Africa, India and Ma3ajf?ia, thej read ; !j .imulgamate with the native peuple and are noted athu strengtheners and bui!'ders up of natlve stūte;. were the founders of maritime enterprīse. diseoverj and eolonization. Their,great Prlnce . Hen.rj,:the illufi.trious Duke of ViseD, and tho?e great cnligbtene3 Kiugs, John and Emmauue: prepared the waj.fur and anticipatcd Coiuni*:'Us. arrd led the waj for all our modei;n enterpriie. The impre6sion of t'ne Portugue&e race is stampe-l perpetuallj and benefieentlj on the' great Arcblpelago of Malajsia ; and we behold in the pre~enee of three hundred and ninetj-five of lhat race in thie Archipelago an assurunee of an Inerease of people of that valuable, producthv character that ehall contribute largelj to pe:r eti.ate the independence of Hawaii.