Nuhou, Volume I, Number 13, 27 January 1874 — "Hawaiian Ladies." [ARTICLE]

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"Hawaiian Ladies."

j.Says fche pubiiajiier of Koluuua Lo } evou the " most j rcfined oan lxjt talkcd to. 011 44 tiubjeets uud iu| j lan»uagc wliicli| would s!iock thc refinod wodcstj' . of Amoi'iean, ot Euvopoi\n lndios. or goutlemcn." | Now w!:at is» to' l>c thouglit of such a sts»teuicnt | , by thope who |ioi'sonal!y know thc manj trulj ! , refiaed llawaiu\n ladie> eo often mct iu our best socicty ? Is it' not a shatuele«s fa!sehood, aud wiU not foroign, ladics reject with scom this basc and Blanderous Ptatcuicnt in their favor, madc at thoosponec ofjtl>e ehara s Her of lheir eultivatcd Hawniinn fietot!s'> ,\nd (nust not this statemcut ! indccd be ro&ulied V>y geiitlemen of iutelligcuce ! who have esaiyincd into ; the abouiiuations put fortli by this fbr the cntertaiumeiil of Hawaiinn youths ae thc cxcu>e of a uoUn-iou? 1 1 pander to covor up hts iaf|iai >us tradc? !