Nuhou, Volume I, Number 13, 27 Ianuali 1874 — Bazaine. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


j The feoldicr uf tho Becond Frcftch Euit..iie 4 r»-j doubt was partia]]j iDdqced to eumnlei: Meu and a great arjnj in order to'favor flie re*braiion of his impenal mabter Lapbeenejgnal3j"i/Utij-Ltd. Whea be wae about to the citudel of French iw|iefe on tbe liLine« cLuracterizod the FrencLiiien wLo, figLting again#?t und d*jj spair, stili upLeld tLe tricoLr on tbe rampuitī ol' j P£rie, as tbe men of tLe gutt4?r,*' 'ILoee men> j Lowever, freelj shed tLeir bl«»l h>r France aloee, j wifchout tho.ugbt of a djnastj or a | wbīlst he was readj to .eacrifiee the honor and I hope of iiis countrj for the Bake of a djnaetj, In j the judgment of true patriote eYerj,whore» it wil* j be deemed more honorable to be wiih the :: wen j of the gutter " than with Baasauie, I | ĒP We have received two copies of thc NiiK'i | līawaii of dates Nov. 25th and I)ec. 2<L Among j other articleB in thie capital little b : i!mgiml pap»:r I we notice pavticularly two well written leadciē on | the " MiniBtcrinl Collapse " nn«;l is īlawaiian ' Politica! Sentiment," evident!y wi'itten bv genj ' tf «> o \ tlemen well vereed in the wajs and iueans • f ! Honolulu. —& F. yews Dec. 27, 1873 - | [Our 1 l little" * eight pages ore emall along?ide tlio I above talented sixteen page follo, but \\lm\ wo ! have deepencd aml wldened our &ca gate so t!.at ! cvery floating etrangcr maj eome in. and <t Free*" ij written un our poitat, we moj Lo| e to pro- ; ducc a big Nrnor teeming with fne!> 3 Paivv, oriti- | cißms and ndvertjfmentrs like t!iie b|i!!iant Metro. ! politan News Letto\ We.will state fov tlie inf;.rnva- ! tion of our highlj valued eotemp-.»iarj, that thc. I ti gentlemen ,,, oF the Nhīoi arenot |!eepij vei>eu u> j the ii'oys and means of līonolului auel dovl?e litt!e inspiration froui eueh a 6ouree ; but ti-e 6cntimenttr that inspirc the leader> y'f j the hIII6 of Lanai,—„

! * ■ j SSP ilon. Calcb Cuehiug, the new Anuilean i MiniBter, who eupercedes Gen, Siekie>, wa? A!torj uej Ueuei-al iu the Cabinet of noiee, { and fi\vored the objeet of the CMenu ConfeveiH\\ j whieh was to induee Spaln to $e!l ("a 1 a llis h\Auenoe with the Pro6ident 4 \\lio with Luu { the wae lipwever elieekeu Lj tL-J ' greater in{lueuce of Seeretarj Marcj wltli iLe ; people, who opp<>sed the ae<juieltk'ii. A: *this { late daj t!ie wilj Cushiiig ujpes to wla . his mueh eoveted lauvek, aud bc wrlttcn ol a< { Caieb Cu6hing Cubanui>. We l;u\t ! Conferenee. , |

i —lt was iiUcrc«liu£ to the I apprecuUiou of a tuithful and useful publie $crI vaut, though iu a huuibie a$ was <Lo\mi I at iho funeral of ihe late e*teward <>f Uie Iby Ihe attendanoe of eighteen prtvate } iaiiod with infiuential eitueiis of the towu, aud j fureigu offieial In goiug to I windword again 4 we ehall regretfu!lj uii<s the ! pieasan( and obliging «?teward I\. Fovnaudet.

I *ST eucxgctlc H>useldens , oSer tl;e bcs; I bar£uin* iu towu t - supposc jou i;eelpr,eai: w;:li I burgaiut irom jour chccjk hook. ,

* BT think that if tho fitv( WhU- ' xasy*s wt\e trans!atc\* hit>! ouv >cruacu']ar, that hc !argc!y meiwW tK x o!rculAi:on |of tbc piper, In ;\!Vv! ;\K>ut ttc PeiuU of * New Yor\. :"\rsvl >vc f ! a$ n | tbe Sabbatb ScWl* of Ihwau