Nuhou, Volume I, Number 13, 27 January 1874 — The Hawaiian Bugaboo [ARTICLE]

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The Hawaiian Bugaboo

|Of Leprosy has been mueh cliscussed abroad to S our dieadvantage. The Melbournc Tckyraph t | however, seekirig to dispel thie bugaboo and to jre-asBurc travelerB, copied our article on the }"Scare:Of Le^rosypubliehed August sth, w.hieh iiniele ,set ibrth tliat our Le_prosy is 110 more than consumption, that we had ■Jiad o !er»er houeo for "vearp. and would { ■ ■ 'M . %/ * . « |any time ehake hands, or even sit and eat with j one without a particle of apprehension, that the IdiBease is not in the elightest degree infectious ; I and that ihe lms absolutely no more to |fear froin H in stopping in Honolulu j than hejWOuld jhave in respcct to catching thej mumpe bj passing through Melbourne or San i Franciseo. To this a former old eealawa# of tlic f O-- - ; j isles named Steeh replied, lle said that Gibson j would sell out daj hit> Lanai estale for 25 per jcent. o( its vaUie on account of his dcsire to get j away from and told a lot of other wliopj pers about us a,nd the country, as eee in the \verliser of last ■ Saturday.—Afraid of Leprosy ! jWe don*t think of such a thing. There is not a j vestige of it in,our streets, The scare about it is ja bugaboo abroad. We would be afraidof j small pox, eholeia, and f_vei in your big eit-ies. jßut here ou.r worst ditv.abcs \re slander and toad|yism and our ne\\bp\pers.