Nuhou, Volume I, Number 12, 20 January 1874 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
A meeting of Miaisters was held at tae Palaee on Monday at 10 a. m., to consider the q\iestion of the Succession. Let mot any foreiga deterinino Succession. If it does, you £onservanve people will not fmd the peaee yo\x desire. Some one blathers about foreign intcrveauoa. Of-ten he does mueh harm. ET We haye reeommended tliō ujuiYes u elee; from theīr own people thelr represenL\tive*, aal we hope to eee a well e?h\Wiehed natiYc indcpendent Government mainlj earried 011 uailve talent. -——| fy Don't dme over jour hieiheeu, like ue Koman Queen did over her father. As the crowi in buggies were leaving Fort stice(j Church Sunduy ni^bi| oue ef ,do>yu one of ihe bate foot crowd out of Kaumakapui rhureh. Pnt a ligbt on your currlages unl lighten up tbe dari vrays of llawein, bccause i; you don't tou maj nm ag;unst a sn;\g l»y aud ov. . <£k, ā 1 i0 # {■ IjS V ~ , J" | - * A\ r.N.isi Law,—To t<xuusur, wlio ovrns nothing, pay tlic &vmc road uu tbat is lcTĪf\l ujx>n !ūs lws, wle owus maiij »d<l veJiiclcs, aud wlio uses ani weap ilie highw»y ton tbousand times uioro uiau LU baicfboted teamcter. Ttw owucr of one liundrci *ehiel«e, and tbe poorest iau;\ka, l\>tu aiiko *»o doUare. This is an outra®.vus| uiyust eliould this tas.