Nuhou, Volume I, Number 11, 13 January 1874 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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Bv 'th|c arrival of TL M. S. Tcnedo.<, wc haTC latdr forcign news to the 22(1 ult. United State?. —Admira! Polo the Spauish Ambassador'scts forth the illegal or rion-Ameviean charactei L of the V?j*(/inius f nnd thc Spnnieh Govemmena is instrueted to demand of the I T nited States licr restoration to Spanish authorities' ; , , . Agazziz is dead, . . . Ehine is eleeted Speaker of the Hoube of Representativee. . . . . , Wm, M. lweed eonvicted and occupjing a felon's eell. The Frcneh stean)er YiUe tlc Havre sunk at sea with 270 passengers. . . . The panie whieh ovight to have eome, if Greelev had been eleeted* eamo anyhow, and has not yet sabsided. Great Britain is losing some of its adauratioii for the Glladstone admin!stration and thegreatTorj D'leraeli is >vinning golden opinions from British' workingiuen. . . . Sir Garnet Woolsey, who was| seut out wiih a handful of officers and a squud of raarines, to organize the Fantees iu order to tUrash tlfo Asluuitcc$ f found that tlie Fants ouly J iuade a ieiut of A\iutly fighting» and lie had to! peg away with about one hundred red jaekets at about forty thousand eourageous Congoese, but | Sir Garnet who is a diamond in pluek says, :t !■ ehan'* it np till Tve driven every Ashanlee baek to liis <shanty. , * I Frāned.—A militavy tvibunal presided over by a eon of Louis .Phillipe, eondemned Geu. lnuaiuej to dcathj but his old eomrade, Fresldent MeMa-j hon savcs his life. | Gcrmainy objeets to Freneh Bishops prayiug for • the rcstotation of Metz and Strasburgh. . . Areli- * bishop T>dochowski is again Rned and eondemued! to two ykrs imprisbnment fov instituting prlests? contrary 'to the antftovity of the Governmeut. J Saxi Pbuiīngv\—Bae.\ has not "had mueli peaee. since thc' cession of and the Samaua Bay Company >vant t T mted States proteetion, THow-| cvcr Baefe is luekyj as he has hungthree patr\otie| gcnorals 'who oppostd his s,\le of their eountry. \ I !

Aehin in Sumatra has aj-lvudy Bght with a well appointed European Dutch ariijy. &iid It Iratlicr ommoue for theT)utehj \vho have five munieatlon wHli Singajsiro, no -f * re£u!t. or defallr: are fuvr>iM.M. We bel}i-ve I!.r.t the brave Sumatrans have ogaln t!iras?;ed invadert=, ;