Nuhou, Volume I, Number 11, 13 January 1874 — The Nuhou in South Carolina. [ARTICLE]

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The Nuhou in South Carolina.

Nukou.—We are imder obligatioDS to Mr. D. A. fbr a copy of the Nunou llawaiian News, a scrai-\veekly journal, publislied at llodolulu, and devoted to tlie material interests of the Hawaiian Archipelago, Mr. Walter Murray Qib6on, <?ditor and proprietor. Mr. Gibson is a native thi.s State r and displaye an enterprise in publishing this paper ereditable to himself and the home of his nativity 4 llowever, from the laek of advertisements in the paper, we judge the Sandwieh Islands are not ! particularly pushed with business just now. The paper is printed in both the EngliBli and the native language. The latter has rather bothered us as to its import, but we have studied it earefully and conclude it to be the Hawaiian cfpinion of the vesed question of State finanees in ;South Oarolina. We quote the following terse ānd lucid statement: " He lioaaloha wau no na haole a pau e noho pu nei me kakou ; he hoaaloha no ke kanaka Pelekane, o hoi me ka Mareka, he hoaaloha hoi no ka Geremania, a pela ka Palani. Ano, ua zke au ma ke Āuokoa o ka Poaōno I iiala aku nei. a ua ike 110 hoi ma kekahi mau pepa e ae i • kekahi mau mea pono ole. Ake noi aku nei au,! e hookaawah ae i wahi maloko o kau nupepa • uuku oolea ka Nuhou, no kekahi mau manao ma ! ke ano he mau ninau." The reference to u hooking a whale " shows how those poor natives have been deeeived byj penny-a-line ndwspaper seribblers.—/)«% Umon ' Heral<l, | [The above k from a papeif publiehed at thc| ehief seat of Alriean rule'in Ameriea, and a*> it* editor presents to Coluiubian readevs a serap of our island venlaeuiar, we would be glad to gct a fcw passages from the jargon of the Saiubo Solons, who, in the names ōf C\vsar, Selpo, Ilannlbal, Hampton and Oalhonn, rule in mimiery of Legielative wisdom over tbe deetinies of the: lallen Huguendt and Cavalier gentleman, Our eoteinporary% paper is evident!y wel! edited and well filled with the advertisements, whieh we laek, ehowing that thc eeene of Shefman's eonflagrntion is etill busy, and that ashes and nnn have not smothered every eJf!brt and liope of tho brave people of South Carolina, We eannot elaiin a native birth-rlght in that gallant State, whieh, however, we are a!ways proud to elaim

our old liome. "We firfit f?aw tbo llglit of t]»ie : fair wor!d on tlic broad. bo£orn of the oeean, on j board an Aroerican phip j bat our ancestors \vere| idcntified with South Carolir>a,—a grand-fatber; was oee of ihe firefc exporters of eoiion from ■ Charleston, and our boyhood and the s ' dcareBt j action " of our adventuroue life was epent īn that j mountain region of the Palmettu State, whieh: producedin our day a Viee Preeident Calhouii, a ( Senator Eusk, an Admiral Stribling, a Speaker ■ Orr, a Chief Justice Cheves, a Secretary of War | Poinsett,|a Governor McDuffiej a Waddy Thomp-1 son, a Ben PerrVj and a hoet of other eminent | gentlemep. We suspect*that our Columbian ' brother ijs carpet bag t or saddle bag in hie poK- I tics, if npt in hie complexioo ; and therefore partakea of corn from the Columbian crib, and hae other from respectability in eliops; whilst w6 are the {c Ishmaelite M organ of t!iese convertecl islee, and many a brother shop-keeper of j livujluiq might get ai l ollioial froNvn or lose the fa- > vorofoui| rulingring, ifheadvertised\vithus. But | the our tnM T ney Islanderp, to whom liberty ' and thc ri!?sertioD of their rights against even the ! tyranny |)f chiefs is no new thing, are willi us now, several thousand gtrong ; and shortly we arc going to have a new deal, —an elect!on in February next, and after that we may ehow you some advertisiiig, or s?omething else. But this paper is established for an espeeial purpose, and is in ! no sense a business newspapei\]