Nuhou, Volume I, Number 10, 6 January 1874 — The Labor System [ARTICLE]

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The Labor System

iOf these islauds is deserTlng of'our verj eaiei'u; | consideration. ln our prospe'ctus in tUe īir-i ! number of tha Nuiiou, we spoke thus. • • Weap- | prfeeiafce that the recognized polttieal mdepeadeuo | of Hawaii, and her well organized constitutional j order, permiU-hcr to regulate her labor j tem, in consonance with the views of her own euj lightened statesmanship. Xhat is to we dj j not believe m looking to £nojland, or ; setts, or auy other eountries for precedenta for oui I enih'e guīdance in regard to our poluieal eeonoia^. |We are under tropical and Asiatk conditions, j and capital and the organizatiot} of labor must Lc guardcd, ns well as the rights of the mdmduai \ labor. Ilawnii is sufficientlj , advanced ia ti.c I mnrch of humaD pro§ress to guai-d carefullj tlie | liberty of her people; and she iī also suffieieauv enlightene..Uo guard with \viso iirecautwuhct -j;*gani?ed nmf great proi3ucing iu«lustries.

1 A "startling announcementwas uot I made on Sunday at the Lyeeum aceordin£ to j nouncement. Tliere were not enough preecut tu ! give significanee to its importance, aud it is po«t--j poned iill Sunday after next. |ilr. Waterhous< | engaged his hearers attention w!ith mueh ōuiiouā ' personal diseussion; and thosc who are iu wau; \of a sensation, and are afraid gcuiug Jrowsv »in Ohureh, will do well to ptitrotuzo our Honolulu 1 Tabernaele» Sunday aHor next. ī ST Tbe forcigu gentleuiou, iLcUja, ( Joucs aud Qu-tor, who urc publiclj aiiuouueoi a, . ca4<lidutci for the are all uiea ol , expoiiouev iu puMio aßairs, aud ai-e ali woil qiuvl- , ilied io reuder «-gooJ as Legiskiors. NVc i hope tkvt the best uau wiil wiu.