Nuhou, Volume I, Number 9, 30 Kekemapa 1873 — Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
CORRECTED - V;; ■ >+; ; .v m , i. : ,; : -j::; ;; ; ; TIME-TABLE OF THI tavijOß, : : Dcc. 2£)tii.. Kohu to^chin; : : MASTER u lvauua.Kj,ijL iL t > Jan. 51h Jan. i 1th,... ...Circiiii oi Kmim •lan* 19ih, •••K.ona Jan. 2(>th |. t< HIId Feb. 2d...... Konit touching at KaunakakaL up jlul hi:, F«?b. 1 Ith Citfcull of KaurJ Feb* IGt Is us*-. I Feb. 23r«l Komi at;] Kiuaalu*..i March 3d ....Hilo | Komi March IStHfe .Ciricuil of Kauai Mnvch *3<l ! KoiaU March 30il, Uili3 Steamer leaves Honolulu at 5 r. ii., cxcepiius trip* th u ; - touches nl Kaunakakai, when she will leave at 10 t\ m. ; Upon the Hilo trips, the steamer will mi leave Lahaiua Ik AM" M * 011 oU<i trips will not leave bei;«u- Z From this date, the payment of Cash for Palace pTI . strictly enforced. TICKETS AT Xllil * Wot responsible for unmarked ba&jageJ or any irei-U u - less receipts for. SAMUEL G. WILD&B i O4 ; ; .v THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL r f* SV 1