Nuhou, Volume I, Number 9, 30 December 1873 — Ritualism [ARTICLE]
1* verj ea>phatieaflj advooaled fjv t'»e 'AIl Saint* Organ, Speaking of certa!n ® : corHtIvr»F »nd orj nameolHi Ui«piajs at ihe BetM*l te<*eni!y s wlaeh j were mtended to bymbolizu bcriptura! truth* j e?entē } —iheenUiueiaaiie rltuali6t edit<»r ?ajs> ; ts K j (thie of chrietian fa,ith in ll.-e Chape'} \ willdo more than jearsj uf Bible teaching," This U j a sevcre comment upo'n thc pit-:t fiftj jeari yfvvanj gelicai mis6ionarj labor in ghiiig t_» the Ilawaiiun j People the word in ita 6implicJtj, by voke anu j print alone, without f,nj help o,f en.»», or banner f : or jewel» or veetment. Thlt wa* !.ar:llv to l>e ex- | pected from a ehanipion of th.e t*oepel in its | 4< purlty.*" However, better Iute than never tLe I aj)preciation of truth, and we n-. w Itenrtilj welj eome into tiie of enlightvned, apoelolie | reIigiopiāts anindefatigub]eespcinent of pure eva»> j.gelifiiu in these ielee, >vho ;n v,Lut f?orae i eall the fi mutsjmevy of ī\»perj " that 'h t ,- | eaj pietoriai illuhtrations tu inspire Chri#tian | belief, " good seed " to be plapted ii> the native mlnd 3 where it will produoe a tiundrcd f.»!<]. ■ We invite our Prelatist nnd Ritualiet brelhicn j to unite in a teBtirnonial, a £gure of the l Crueitixiou to be plaeed over t!je premise-6 of •_nr | ī'iiualiel editor, at thc head of St. ;: Ir i will do nlore > ,, to ehristianize the boat boj»» auu j other nativeB t: than manv jeai[e teaehing t! e | Gaztilt or the Kuol'oa. i£ īt niaj C06t a litth* i trouble but the reward worth tl e Iabur/' I " 1 I ' '