Nuhou, Volume I, Number 8, 23 December 1873 — A Patriot Needed. [ARTICLE]

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A Patriot Needed.

Of whiu is it tp sowc jvople u..i. the people «ieeliue about oue Uious;uid a jear, s. that tUejr wake 'thcir thousauds a jear 7 al death is uothiu& to thcui. Ihcj like . parasite ou thc of \vhat suppoiu But nuuoual lit*c is\iVcrjlhiu4 UiVj!aUiv>t herc,— oue Ikwaiiau patriot, who saj, auii saj „■- tcutialljr 100, mj couutr,y shal| li V c saall scok ihe mcaus tbat othcr liavc sought aui obuiued—new blood and g v >ld—\vi;h whieh ; ■ buil<i up iiauonal līfe. ■

U is aot tUat b> u.: v r„. Ueunei; jrou huve fuiledBouicwUcrc iu jour »f you arc not curedl tbc ujicau hcairu\l