Nuhou, Volume I, Number 8, 23 Kekemapa 1873 — "The Virginius Affair" [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

"The Virginius Affair"

| Is apparently ectt!od, so fl\r as the (iiplumaile | tion of tbe GoYcrDiiiciits of Uie Uniied aai |of Spain are eoncerned, but tfo people who creat j i desiresueh afFair^; ,, have uot jetaequieseed L:: j the eettlemeiit of the diffieultj, For iustanee, tLv I people of Auieriea wili open in Xew i'oik 4iud other Auierieau eities tq enlist recruits U \vagc \var t like.old Dn\ke, again:?t a power wiil. whieh their government is at peaee, and thei. Spanieh people in Cuba who eonsider tht?mseh\? aggrieved bj \var-like aets \yhieh are done ia jdefiance of anj government» heeome savage, aud jfa?or the butehery of men reernited, orgamze-i | and tramported uuder a of peaee. Ti;e jdifficultj arisee, and may proeeed to verv grau | i6suo5 t becauee neither goversiiment eau or w;V. jsuflieieutlj eontrol their owu p<x>ple. t ■. ■1 ' ■ ' I