Nuhou, Volume I, Number 8, 23 December 1873 — Newspaper Inspiration. [ARTICLE]

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Newspaper Inspiration.

e ixaJ, us follo\vs iu last Saturdaj*'s A<h'ertise)-—" Thīis fbolisli threat (that no peieou \vould be allowed to ppeak in publie iu advoeaey of thc Peail Rivci- selieme) \vas made, it is true, but only ' n "ative eolumus of the Niuoi', whieh are uudersioodto U iu-pired by thc sauie Mr. Maio. As we cam\ot Jmd anj such threat iu onr native to!uums, \\c \\oiidjr \vhat iuspiratiou proniptciJ t;!ie iuention the übove in our neighbor's eoluuhu, 'Hk \oj eoiitrarj of thc above alledged t!ireat is to be lbuud in tlic native eolumns of t!ve Xi )i-u ,as Oct. 3, iu our aitielc . '* I' mea maikai ma ko }nakou noonoo ke uoi ana ku i kekalii o !,ui Kuhiua eku luai imu.i o kckn!)i ma'i: halawai o na 'uiakaainana a hoike pouo mai i'ka waiwai io hoi o keia I\iuailike." Whieh may bc translated as follo\vs—We thiuk it ia desirablc ihat souie one of the Miuistcrs be urged to »>efore an a?a-inllj- of thc people and set !orl!t the advaiitajjes of this Ecciproeitj. l\)?BiMj the At'rt_r'i< r Jcsircs lo euiulaie tUc entcrprise of the Miinsterial Orgau iu ne\vs. or " | bojjus aeeounts foi- forci£U eonsuuiptien, whieh are t!ie in»piraticn of au ovcr active imaginatio i. , <T ]; V" ■■■■ I I