Nuhou, Volume I, Number 8, 23 December 1873 — Christmas [ARTICLE]

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Beems to be as meriy in the heart of Polynesia, 1 ae ih the heart of old Europe. But it only seems ! 60. It is true we huve a busy buying of Chri6t- | hiaa 44 and we sec that Christmas trees, ! arui turkeye and niinee pics o«cupy largcly the attention of our iiouBekeepers; but we have no outdoor frotst or snow, with indoor blazing hearths, and romp reverbeiating flooi*B. Our holidays are tame. Christmaa as we understand it, is the growth ol cold anel teutonic heartiness. Asia has no Christmas carousal; and we cannot plant its Europeim spirit in Polyncbja. Still it ean be a good time here as avcll as elsewhere, to make happy thoie we love bv gifts and feasts, and by letting the poor share,with ns. l)on't fbrget the prisoners, and those who have no friends, for what you give to them will be leal Christmas gi!ts to the Founder of the eelebrate.