Nuhou, Volume I, Number 8, 23 December 1873 — The Cession of These Islands [ARTICLE]

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The Cession of These Islands

\Vas onee made or propo.-od to Grcat Britain, a nd afterwards to Franee, and t.he Cnited Jstates eonjointly : but of the proposition to cede to the United States in 1851 or '52 we ean find no evidencc; but we find thc followino: the ' o o printed docJuinent6 of tlic govcrnment : E\'TACT ] ROM A nOeUMKN'i' UKKĪ'AKEO BY MK. WYLIJK ON' TIIK 12tJI 01" AUGUf?T, 1854. üßy thc Polynesian, No. 14, of this moming, 1 see that on the 4th of this month the llonorabīe William Kahalekula had moved a resolution in the līonorable līouee of Representatives to eall upon me (Mr. Wyllie) tō confirm or refute an assertion made in thc New York īlerald of the sth of Jun'e, 1854, to the effeet that trouble wit-h. England oi)d France" had driven the King to apply for the annexation of llis Kingdom to the United Statefi, and that the llonorable l!ouse had referred sueh reeolution to their Committee on Foreign Relationy. I have to state that no correepondpg applieation has been made to me, nor eould ! the Committee make it consit>tently with my publie reporte before them for the last three years, whieh prove to demonstration that the policy of C»reat Britain and Franee haa been the very rcveree of drivipg the King to the greatest sacrifice whieh a Monanh ean make, whieff iB that of llis own So?ereignty." #