Nuhou, Volume I, Number 8, 23 December 1873 — The Honolulu Tabernacle. [ARTICLE]

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The Honolulu Tabernacle.

Xhc 14 Ljceuui" wae opened last &uuday everslng, according to announeemeni, it was crowdcd \vith ladics and gentlemcn, anu had a good representation of ilie intelligence and rcspectal)ility of this commnnitj, The eserciges were conducted by Mr. J. T. Waterhouse, the proprietor, who gave the .audience to understand that the building was to be devotcd to thc worship of Ood, in accordcincc with a vow made |n his youth and to bc mdependcnt of any i*m % althoogh thc preednt csercises were somcwhat m accordance with the pr \ctioe of Methodīi?m The account of personal e>perience of the lecturer was interesting, and engaged the attention of the iUidicnce, whieh, becauie a trifle weaiiea duving a gultrv s per?piring evcning, by the readhig of part of a sermon l>y the celebrated Tatmadge, wliieh, no doubt, wae better appreeiated when deliveied in the Brooklyn Tabernaele, When Mr. W. speaks for hhnself well in. terest his audienee, and4ie may difpeuse with hīs book of sermons. Rct. C. Damon elot>ed the exereises wlth prayer. We eonsider this amk ec£sful opening of our Honolulu Tabernaele.