Nuhou, Volume I, Number 8, 23 Kekemapa 1873 — The Value of Brains [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Value of Brains

Afc thc hcad of public aS"a!rs :s s|iOwn the ! "'ū Ci : of Spain. If eome u p)g-licaded " Bouil>on or Carlist was now the ctiief of U)e iuitTon 4 Amerlean publie opinion in respeet to t!ie V?'ryhi!u< affair would not be attemperc<l to miioli forbearanee it hag been, on aeeount of CastelarThis man'e inte!ligenee an«l noble vlews ore evidently worth more to'Spain tban ail !ier guns A money and men. T!ie great men of Ameriea crv, t forbear; not on aeeount of any powev Spain s but on aeeount of tbe great ! man <*f Spaln. Ameriean? covet Cuba; but tbey evl'.lent*y wouW rather forego their preeent oppd>rtunity t* an t-_» destroy CastelarV c-pportunlty, Tliis moilorat? tone is a great eompliment to t!:c abilltie><. f Ca>tellar, and Spain must estecm !as of far id jio Tahie than her banke of trea?ure, er ! er ironelad?, the brains of Castelar.