Nuhou, Volume I, Number 8, 23 Kekemapa 1873 — One Year Has Passed Away [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

One Year Has Passed Away

[Trai)slation of native article.]

Siocc thc death of Kamehameha V. When he died therc was not mueh porrow, heeaupe there Nvae a great hope in the new All people 5 the l®reigneife as well as the natives, rejoiced in the of līunalilo. The fbreign American newspapers fuli of interesting articles about him, and it was helieved that Ilawaii was going I to eommenee a new life 3 and he very prosperous ! under her ne'w King. Somc active writers who were devote(i friends of the lving helped to crcate this populUrity. It wae felt by everybody that the new reigti of Lunalilo would be very glorious ibr Hawaii. But now after one vear has paseed away v there is a feeling of disappoinlment; and 6hamc instead of glory rcst upon this reigu, The name of is tarnished, and this reign is | considered a failurc, not because the King whom i his people st|ilMove ha- ānv wrong 3 but bcI causc his Mi ! nisters liave acted unwisely and eowlardly 3 and h|vve brought disgracc 011 thc country. I Everybodj| now speaks against th<K Ministers, But iwe agaimt them m the bcginni)ig. We saw then that they were and knew nothing about afiairs of goycrnmcnt. We wrote in the very ljrst month that the Ministers were put into officc, and said that thcy did not have any ideas tj help the and we also said, that if they did Kavo any thev lrad not the courige to support ihem. What a shame to havc the name of ?o disgraced by|such men ! Thcy cannpt help the King. Thoy don*t know how to or to write. And these men werc not friends to thc King—nav, some were Hib cnemies. They talked against Ilim fccfore IIo was King. Thcy tncd to |*revent IIis olection 4 and yet they weie rewarded. And the friende wero passcd t>y» Ihe curse of ingratitudc is upon It curscd by iiourislung its cnomics. The newspnyers of Amcrica nnd foreigncrs of thcFC Tslands now ppenk against tbis reign, nnd eal! it n fnilurc. God grant ! that ī.unnlilo runy tho wenk men from hid counciIs who hnve brought disgmcc upon his naiue. Wh&fc eau the fi iends of tho In their praisc ? Xot one good thing īn' al! the work of this yenr Thev will |sny, they havc mnoTe<f the lopew,

• ■ -- - _ : " ; L " • i ; ~| . ; .. ..i . •.. ; ; but tbat wae a vrork eomiu'.-ii'.e»] tlsc !&tc reigo. : ;- ; 5:;;!;^ They could, not &upprc j fcS llio !nutHiv at t!ic barracks ; but induced lII* t-« writc a lefcter that was a diegracc (o n King. * Tbej talked about I)ohting a foreig}i fia£. They propoeed to eell Pearl līarbor wiil.oul congultiDg thc people. Then they backed out of Ūm meaeu re in a shamoful BiaDDer, aod di6grace<S ll e KmgV Dau»e and no doubt have offcnded Aineritt\. They have not done one good deed, but a great manv foolisb oDes, We 6houted hurrab with tlie people this tlme last year, as we worked for thc electlon of King Lunalilo, and it is with a heavy heart that we lauei rfpord th§ eventciuf tbe yēār as that the name of Lunaiilo onee k» full of promiM? is elouded over, and tbat bbrcign i> cal!<:d n failure. after one year has pa&cd aw L uv.