Nuhou, Volume I, Number 7, 16 December 1873 — Honor to Captain Cook [ARTICLE]

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Honor to Captain Cook

We notice with pleasurc thut aecording to tLv . bniltd Servke Journal f it is oriexcd by tLe B::c--ieh Governmfcnt that the war Yeseeil to be =e::t o\:: ; to the Sandwich lslands next year a wifch the ped - | estals, instruments, $cc. t 6jr obaerYing i of Venus, wiii aleo take oui a memoriai monu ; inent of Captaiu Cook, and it ie stated fchat mo=t i probably one of the \var vessels on the Pacific stai tioa wiil accompany t?ie traneit espedition ! aseiBt a.t the erection and inauguration of tlie i monumēnt. Our lengthy discussion of Caphain Ctok*= ■ its as n discoverer, and our .vindication of his fak | fame in re«pect to his alledged sacrilege, ! we published in tlie New Xork, Evtning Po,;. , when Mi'. Chafles Xordhofl* was editor t and whie j we forwarded to eminent naval authoritiei : r Engiaud, we will prcsumc has had some liule :n- -: Euenee in awakeniug a,ttention to the neglectei : fame of our greai Pacific dißcoverer.

EP Iu the Organ of PeKonal Oossip aad ; dor ilioio avc eome repiarkē abcfut i; Pauiorau.t , Osman Liikaua alias "\Valtcr Murraj CubsOLi " the uephew of an unele. of ;; uohle blooJ." . ean get fuller partieular6 of \vbat it> referred by reading or haYing tran£lated tlie storj of Suipa in our nutiYe eolumns; or readiug il:.Prison of of wliieh our $eui-:v t editor was the hero. We have not epaee, lime ol l Ineliuaiion for esplunations, but >ve mere!j Ito saj that this noble b!ood doe6 not entltle (usto a &eat ia the llouse of Xol>les. Altboug-i : it belongs to the lumber of oldeu ( times> itas uen a plank in our platform.

1 wkll married man % * is wuuled la , the Advcrtisa\ What manuer s*f mau ilui ' 1 One that is sound in limb ? Or oue tuat ! tnartied bj ortlKxlox authontj** Or that bat!t 1 been mnrried a long time? Or one t!iat halli been taken in hand bj a widow? Or 1 one that hath more wives than oue? Well, we 1 ehould like to know whon a mau i< :.:" uiarrk\! GT Th»»re is a roaring I.jons going abou: al a suggeBting the gag, or deporh\t!on law. f.?r 1 those who apprised the peopīe of tbe charaeter :i . the planning and plotting around tlie lh;bor T,cvehs. h\m rv\\r it mild, for the truc ' mi9chief makers are those wbo fanned iuto Ille i Ihe *park* of hatred of nu\ s / v bv pNposing anl 1 laboring to bring abont of uailr:ūl domain. ——L j ' HP" Balrjmple's tranrfativ)u of voj;\ge?» Ae.* cMe% ajid lu 2 vole , bul off at Adam>" §ale, Sa k urdaj T>eoembcr fitb, tnvu takeu| bj ;iie , partj Pleaae return ;