Nuhou, Volume I, Number 7, 16 December 1873 — "Hair Brained." [ARTICLE]

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"Hair Brained."

1« Uie Organ of the Peari Haih u* F-uiik ; vr< r are ealied " hair brained/* Now *e dcu*t Ihiak tlsat the Organ and its baeker* w->u!d bē !r:rt r. bit, with a portion of oiir bair, Nay *\e are L clined to epeak with all due inode&ty a-? au edltor. and eay that we think a little miglit bel|3 'AV Saints party a triSe ; anā as our bair growet*i we grow in grace 3 we feel inclined to send t ; nny one, or all of that party a loek of our haii\ if be we could thereby inspire the eneako to up to a fair, decent : open and above b?v.cs sgb: with v&. .