Nuhou, Volume I, Number 6, 9 Kekemapa 1873 — General Grant's Opportunity [ARTICLE]
General Grant's Opportunity
Is at last afforded hj Spanlsh crucltj and nacy. Tbe inhumau maeeacrc oT the men the Yirsinim affonls General Graut his oppoi lanity, in the eauee of humanltj as well a* Ameriean iDterest«j to Inter7eue in Cu^a. HP Certuin alarnusts waut to make ic appoai ihai tbeie k ill will between iiatiYee and foreig::ere, aud that eeriaiu (perhaps u £ ) the cau§e. But these verj are iho eau--. Ihej, or their partj propote au, oSeusive u:;patriotic mea«>ure, an«l we denouaee the"u littk gatue, we are You not ruake that appear, Your eaniiug nxkreprescnution i« as trauepareat even to the naiiYe miul, as were the of vour ■ ofOe¥*km. i