Nuhou, Volume I, Number 6, 9 December 1873 — Miss Miller's First Concert [ARTICLE]
Miss Miller's First Concert
Last Friday eveniDg was well atU-D<Jed 4 ,tua ■ L*. performaDce of tlie debutaute waa quit«j hueee*? ful. Her 6iDging of'"Annie Luune" and the Last Ro<?e of Summer " were warinlj applauded, and her rendermg of ;ī Thougb Thou Art Fai Yet Thou Art Xear called forth an entbuēiast;-j encore, The perfect sinoothnes6 of her tones admlrable 3 and ehe has large power of yoice wlth an easj utterance ; but her articulation ii? iiupeifect, and in the vendering of opejratic coiupositlo:i sheehows a wqjit of training. "She w«uU rau' A anywhere a.s a succeg£ful ballad singer, aud bbestowing eare on her :irticulation 3 and w:tL judicious t-raining !n high composltion } she wili win lfturels before critlcal audiences abroal. Ihinstrumental perfbrmiince bj members of the Band was excellent.